C# (CSharp) MyGame Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AnimatedModel This class represent animated model (A model that has animation(s))
BillboardSystem This class represent a Billboard System a group of 2D textures(pictures) that are always drawn facing the camera
Bullet This class represent a bullet
BulletUnit This class represent bullet unit which represent the logic of the bullet that is it move with constant speed in a certain direction
BulletsManager This class represent the bullet manager that manages creating and calling updates on bullets, also removing bullet at collision detected.
CDrawableComponent This class represent a custom Drawable Component that has a CModel that handle drawing and a Unit that hanlde updating of the Drawable game component.
ChaseCamera This class represent a Chase camera that chase a certain object around
CreditsScreen This class represent the Credits Screen that hold the name of the persons who worked on that game
FirstAid This class represent a first aid item that rotates with time
FirstAidManager This class represent the First aid manager that manages creating first aids and calling updates on them, also removing first aid and adding health to player at collision detected.
FrameRateCounter This class represent the Framw rate counter that evaluates and draws the frame per sec on screen
FreeCamera This class represent a Free Camera that move and rotate freely
HPBillboardSystem This class represent a special case of billboard system which is the hp billboard system in which all billboards dont have the same texture and texture of each billboards change with time
HelpScreen This class represent the Help Screen that show some info on how to play the game
KinectManager This class represent the Kinect Manager that manages the state of the kinect sensoring each on or off and draw its status on screen
LevelScreen This class represent the Level Screen that is displayed at the beginning of each level showing the level number and waiting on input from the user to start the actual level.
MonsterModel This class represent monster model that can run differet animations so inherent from AnimatedModel
MyGame This class represent the Game that contains the main game loop and glues all components together
PlayerUnit This class represent player unit which moves in a speficied direction, rotates , take damange and die when hp reaches zero
ScoreBoard This is a game component that implements IUpdateable.
Screen This class represent Screen that draws text on Screen having 3 different sized fonts that can be used
SkyCube This class represent Sky Cube that is used to render the sky
SkyCubeModel This class represent sky cube model, it implement IRenderable in order to be reflected by the water
SkyCubeUnit This class represent sky cube unit which updates the position of the cube to the position of the camera
SpeechRecognizer This class represent Speech recognizer that recognize voice commands and fire the specific events according to command recongized
StartScreen This class represent the Start(pause) Screen that show on startup and on pausing the game having options to start a new game,continue , go to help or credit screen or change the difficulty or exit
TargetCamera This class represent a Target camera that is a basic camera
Terrain This class represent the Terrain that draw the terrain and has utility methods to deal with the terrain
Tree This class represent a Tree
Water This class represent Water componenet that reflect the sky
Weapon This class represent the weapon attached to the player