Name |
Description |
CTypes |
Provides support for interop with native code from Python code. |
CTypes.ArrayType |
CTypes.CData |
CTypes.Field |
CTypes.NativeArgument |
CTypes.PointerType |
CTypes.RefCountInfo |
CTypes.SimpleCData |
CTypes.SimpleType |
CTypes.UnionType |
CTypes._Array |
CTypes._CFuncPtr |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta.ArgumentMarshaller |
Base class for marshalling arguments from the user provided value to the call stub. This class provides the logic for creating the call stub and calling it. |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta.CDataMarshaller |
Provides marshalling for when the function type provide argument information. |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta.FromParamMarshaller |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta.NativeArgumentMarshaller |
Provides marshalling for when the user provides a native argument object (usually gotten by byref or pointer) and the function type has no type information. |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta.PrimitiveMarshaller |
Provides marshalling of primitive values when the function type has no type information or when the user has provided us with an explicit cdata instance. |
CTypes._CFuncPtr.Meta.UserDefinedMarshaller |
Provides the marshalling for a user defined object which has an _as_parameter_ value. |
CTypesExtensionMethods |
CTypesTest |
CharInfo |
CharInfo.PropertyIndex |
ComplexMath |
ExceptionFallBack |
ExceptionFallbackBuffer |
HKeyHandleCache |
HashBase |
MemoryHolder |
A wrapper around allocated memory to ensure it gets released and isn't accessed when it could be finalized. |
MmapModule |
MmapModule.SYSTEM_INFO |
MmapModule.mmap |
MmapModule.mmap.MmapLocker |
ModuleOps |
Provides helper functions which need to be called from generated code to implement various portions of modules. |
NativeFunctions |
Native functions used for exposing ctypes functionality. |
NativeSignal |
PythonBinaryAscii |
PythonCodecs |
PythonCodecs.EncodingMap |
PythonCollections |
PythonCollections.defaultdict |
PythonCollections.deque |
PythonCollections.deque.DequeIterator |
PythonCollections.deque.deque_reverse_iterator |
PythonCopyReg |
PythonCsvModule |
PythonCsvModule.Dialect |
PythonCsvModule.Reader |
PythonCsvModule.Reader.ReaderIterator |
PythonCsvModule.Writer |
PythonDateTime |
| |
PythonDateTime.timedelta |
PythonIOModule.BytesIO |
PythonIOModule.FileIO |
PythonImport |
PythonImport.NullImporter |
PythonIterTools |
PythonIterTools.IterBase |
Base class used for iterator wrappers. |
PythonIterTools.TeeIterator |
PythonIterTools.chain |
PythonIterTools.combinations |
PythonIterTools.combinations_with_replacement |
PythonIterTools.compress |
PythonIterTools.count |
PythonIterTools.cycle |
PythonIterTools.dropwhile |
PythonIterTools.groupby |
PythonIterTools.ifilter |
PythonIterTools.ifilterfalse |
PythonIterTools.imap |
PythonIterTools.islice |
PythonIterTools.izip |
PythonIterTools.izip_longest |
PythonIterTools.permutations |
PythonIterTools.product |
PythonIterTools.repeat |
PythonIterTools.starmap |
PythonIterTools.takewhile |
PythonLocale |
PythonLocale.LocaleInfo |
PythonMath |
PythonMsvcrt |
PythonRandom |
PythonRandom.Random |
PythonSelect |
PythonSha |
PythonSha.sha |
PythonSha256 |
PythonSha256.Sha256Object |
PythonSha512 |
PythonSha512.Sha384Object |
PythonSha512.Sha512Object |
PythonSignal |
PythonSignal.PythonSignalState |
PythonStruct |
PythonStruct.Format |
Struct used to store the format and the number of times it should be repeated. |
PythonStruct.Struct |
PythonSubprocess |
PythonSubprocess.STARTUPINFO |
PythonSubprocessHandle |
PythonThread |
PythonThread.@lock |
PythonThread.ThreadObj |
PythonThread._local |
PythonThread._local.ThreadLocalDictionaryStorage |
Provides a dictionary storage implementation whose storage is local to the thread. |
PythonWarnings |
PythonWinReg |
PythonWinReg.HKEYType |
RangeInfo |
StreamReaderExtensions |
_ast |
_ast.AST |
_ast.Add |
_ast.And |
_ast.Assert |
_ast.Assign |
_ast.Attribute |
_ast.AugAssign |
_ast.BinOp |
_ast.BitAnd |
_ast.BitOr |
_ast.BitXor |
_ast.BoolOp |
_ast.Break |
_ast.Call |
_ast.ClassDef |
_ast.Compare |
_ast.Continue |
_ast.Del |
_ast.Delete |
_ast.Dict |
_ast.DictComp |
_ast.Div |
_ast.Ellipsis |
_ast.Eq |
_ast.ExceptHandler |
_ast.Exec |
_ast.Expr |
_ast.Expression |
_ast.ExtSlice |
_ast.FloorDiv |
_ast.For |
_ast.FunctionDef |
_ast.GeneratorExp |
_ast.GeneratorExp.ExtractListComprehensionIterators |
_ast.Global |
_ast.Gt |
_ast.GtE |
_ast.If |
_ast.IfExp |
_ast.Import |
_ast.ImportFrom |
_ast.In |
_ast.Index |
_ast.Interactive |
_ast.Invert |
_ast.Is |
_ast.IsNot |
_ast.LShift |
_ast.Lambda |
_ast.List |
_ast.ListComp |
_ast.Load |
_ast.Lt |
_ast.LtE |
_ast.Mod |
_ast.Module |
_ast.Mult |
_ast.Name |
_ast.Not |
_ast.NotEq |
_ast.NotIn |
_ast.Num |
_ast.Or |
_ast.Param |
_ast.Pass |
_ast.Pow |
_ast.Print |
_ast.RShift |
_ast.Raise |
_ast.Repr |
_ast.Return |
_ast.Set |
_ast.SetComp |
_ast.Slice |
_ast.Store |
_ast.Str |
_ast.Sub |
_ast.Subscript |
_ast.Suite |
_ast.ThrowingErrorSink |
_ast.TryExcept |
_ast.TryFinally |
_ast.Tuple |
_ast.UAdd |
_ast.USub |
_ast.UnaryOp |
_ast.While |
_ast.With |
_ast.Yield |
_ast.alias |
_ast.arguments |
_ast.comprehension |
_ast.excepthandler |
_ast.expr |
_ast.keyword |
_ast.mod |
_ast.stmt |
unicodedata |