Name |
Description |
Arg |
AssertStatement |
AssignmentStatement |
AugmentedAssignStatement |
BackQuoteExpression |
BinaryExpression |
BreakStatement |
ClassDefinition |
ClassDefinition.SelfNameFinder |
Comprehension |
ComprehensionFor |
ComprehensionIf |
ComprehensionIterator |
ComprehensionScope |
Scope for the comprehension. Because scopes are usually statements and comprehensions are expressions this doesn't actually show up in the AST hierarchy and instead hangs off the comprehension expression. |
ConditionalExpression |
ConstantExpression |
ConstantExpression.UnicodeWrapper |
DefineBinder |
DelStatement |
DeleteBinder |
DictionaryComprehension |
DictionaryExpression |
DictionaryExpression.EmptyDictInstruction |
DynamicGetMemberExpression |
DynamicGetMemberExpression.GetMemberInstruction |
EmptyStatement |
ErrorExpression |
ExecStatement |
Expression |
Summary description for Expr. |
ForStatement |
FromImportStatement |
FunctionDefinition |
FunctionDefinition.FunctionDefinitionInstruction |
GeneratorExpression |
GetGlobalContextExpression |
GetGlobalContextExpression.GetGlobalContextInstruction |
GetParentContextFromFunctionExpression |
GetParentContextFromFunctionExpression.GetParentContextFromFunctionInstruction |
GlobalStatement |
IfStatement |
ImportStatement |
IndexExpression |
LambdaExpression |
ListComprehension |
ListExpression |
LookupCompilationMode |
Provides globals for when we need to lookup into a dictionary for each global access. This is the slowest form of globals and is only used when we need to run against an arbitrary dictionary given to us by a user. |
MemberExpression |
Node |
Node.FramedCodeExpression |
Node.FramedCodeVisitor |
OrExpression |
Parameter |
Parameter base class |
ParameterBinder |
ParenthesisExpression |
PythonConstantExpression |
PythonNameBinder |
PythonReference |
Represents a reference to a name. A PythonReference is created for each name referred to in a scope (global, class, or function). |
PythonVariable |
RaiseStatement |
ReturnStatement |
ScopeStatement |
ScopeStatement.ClosureInfo |
ScopeStatement.DelayedFunctionCode |
Provides a place holder for the expression which represents a FunctionCode. For functions/classes this gets updated after the AST has been generated because the FunctionCode needs to know about the tree which gets generated. For modules we immediately have the value because it always comes in as a parameter. |
ScopeStatement.DelayedProfiling |
Reducible node so that re-writing for profiling does not occur until after the script code has been completed and is ready to be compiled. Without this extra node profiling would force reduction of the node and we wouldn't have setup our constant access correctly yet. |
SerializedScopeStatement |
Fake ScopeStatement for FunctionCode's to hold on to after we have deserialized pre-compiled code. |
SetComprehension |
SetExpression |
SliceExpression |
Statement |
SublistParameter |
SuiteStatement |
SuiteStatement.DebugInfoRemovalExpression |
ToDiskCompilationMode |
TupleExpression |
UnaryExpression |
WhileStatement |
WithStatement |
YieldExpression |