Name |
Description |
AttachWhereClauseVisitor |
AttachWhereClauseVisitor traverses the WHERE clause and attachs predicates into nodes and edges of constructed graph. |
BindTableVisitor |
BindTableVisitor traverses a boolean expression and returns exposed name of a table if all columns involved in the expression are from that table, otherwise it returns an empty string. |
CandidateJoinUnit |
A 1-height tree is a node with one or more outgoing edges. A 1-height tree is translated to a table alias, plus one or more Transpose() functions. One Transpose() function populates instances of one edge. |
ConnectedComponent |
ConvertToModificationStatementVisitor |
The visitor that converts SQL modification statements (i.e., INSERT and DELETE) to graph modification statements: INSERT NODE, DELETE NODE, INSERT EDGE and DELETE EDGE |
DeployScriptTemplate |
DeployScriptTemplateBase |
DeployScriptTemplateBase.ToStringInstanceHelper |
Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string. |
EdgeInfo |
EdgeViewBfsRegister |
EdgeViewBfsScriptTemplateBase |
EdgeViewBfsScriptTemplateBase.ToStringInstanceHelper |
Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string. |
EdgeViewBfsScriptTemplateStrategyTemplate |
EdgeViewGraphViewCodeTemplate |
EdgeViewGraphViewCodeTemplateBase |
EdgeViewGraphViewCodeTemplateBase.ToStringInstanceHelper |
Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string. |
EdgeViewRegister |
GraphMetaData |
GraphViewCommand |
GraphViewConnection |
GraphViewConnection.BulkInsertFileDataReader |
GraphViewConnection.EdgeFileInfo |
GraphViewConnection.EdgeInfo |
GraphViewConnection.FileInfo |
GraphViewConnection.IndexOrConstraintInformationRecord |
GraphViewConnection.NodeFileInfo |
GraphViewConnection.NodeInfo |
GraphViewDefinedFunctionRegister |
GraphViewParser |
The parser first extracts all tokens containing MATCH clauses, then replace them with multiline comment. The original parser will parse remaining tokens and return a syntax tree. Finally, MATCH clauses are inserted into appropriate QueryBlock by traversing the syntax tree. |
GraphViewParser.AnnotationToken |
GraphViewParser.CollectionObject |
GraphViewParser.LexicalAnalyzer |
GraphViewParser.NormalObject |
GraphViewParser.StringObject |
InsertEdgeSelectVisitor |
MatchClauseVisitor |
The visitor that puts the MATCH clause back to the SELECT query block |
MatchComponent |
The Component in the joining process |
MatchEdge |
MatchGraph |
MatchNode |
MatchPath |
MetaFunctionRegister |
MetaGraphViewCodeTemplate |
MetaGraphViewCodeTemplateBase |
MetaGraphViewCodeTemplateBase.ToStringInstanceHelper |
Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string. |
NodeColumns |
NodeTableGraphViewCodeTemplate |
NodeTableGraphViewCodeTemplateBase |
NodeTableGraphViewCodeTemplateBase.ToStringInstanceHelper |
Utility class to produce culture-oriented representation of an object as a string. |
NodeTableRegister |
OneHeightTree |
A 1-height tree is a node with one or more outgoing edges. A 1-height tree is translated to a table alias, plus one or more Transpose() functions. One Transpose() function populates instances of one edge. |
RemoveSchemanameInIdentifersVisitor |
When a table in the FROM clause is not given an alias, this table will be assigned its table name as its alias, and all references with schema name corresponding to this table should be replaced with the assigned alias by removing the schema name since it is invalid to have a schema identifier before an alias. |
ReplaceEdgeReferenceVisitor |
When an edge in the MATCH clause is not given an alias, this edge can still be referenced by the edge column name. During translation, an edge without an explicit alias will be assigned a default alias, and as a result, the edge column name must be replaced by the assigned alias. |
TranslateDataModificationVisitor |
TranslateMatchClauseVisitor |
Translate match clause and add it to the from clause. Check validity -> Divide the graph into connected sub-graph -> Retrive the estimation -> Use DP-like algorithem to get the component -> add the component(s) into from clause |
TranslateMatchClauseVisitor.UnionFind |
Uses the union-Find algorithm to decompose the graph pattern into fully-connected components |
TsqlFragmentToString |
WAlterTableAddTableElementStatement |
Syntax tree of a ALTER TABLE Add Table Element statement |
WAlterTableDropTableElement |
WAlterTableDropTableElementStatement |
WAlterTableStatement |
WAssignmentSetClause |
WBeginEndBlockStatement |
WBinaryExpression |
WCaseExpression |
WCastCall |
WColumnReferenceExpression |
A reference to a column. Columns in the SELECT clause are wrapped by the WSelectElement class. This class represents columns as scalar expressions. In particular, when WColumnReferenceExpression is of type *, it appears in function calls such as COUNT(*) |
WDataModificationSpecification |
WDeclareTableVariable |
WDeleteEdgeSpecification |
WDeleteNodeSpecification |
WDeleteSpecification |
WEdgeColumnReferenceExpression |
WFromClause |
The FROM clause consists of a list of table references. |
WFunctionCall |
WFunctionCallSetClause |
WGroupByClause |
WHavingClause |
WIfStatement |
WInsertEdgeSpecification |
WInsertNodeSpecification |
WInsertSpecification |
WMatchClause |
WMatchPath |
WMultiPartIdentifier |
WOrderByClause |
WParenthesisExpression |
WRowValue |
WScalarSubquery |
WSchemaObjectName |
WSearchedCaseExpression |
WSearchedWhenClause |
WSelectInsertSource |
WSqlBatch |
WSqlFragment |
WSqlFragmentVisitor |
WSqlParser |
WSqlScript |
WSqlStatement |
WSqlUnknownStatement |
This class represents all T-SQL statements not identified by the current parser. Unidentified statements are interpreted token by token. |
WStatementWithCtesAndXmlNamespaces |
Statements with optimization hints |
WTableDefinition |
WUnaryExpression |
WUpdateDeleteSpecificationBase |
WUpdateSpecification |
WValueExpression |
A value expression can be a variable or a literal. |
WValuesInsertSource |
WWhenClause |
WWhereClause |
The WHERE clause consists of boolean expressions |
WWhileStatement |