C# (CSharp) GitSharp.Core.RevWalk.Filter Namespace


Name Description
AndRevFilter Includes a commit only if all subfilters include the same commit. Classic shortcut behavior is used, so evaluation of the RevFilter.include(RevWalk, RevCommit) method stops as soon as a false result is obtained. Applications can improve filtering performance by placing faster filters that are more likely to reject a result earlier in the list.
AuthorRevFilter Matches only commits whose author name matches the pattern.
CommitTimeRevFilter Selects commits based upon the commit time field.
CommitterRevFilter Matches only commits whose committer name matches the pattern.
MessageRevFilter Matches only commits whose message matches the pattern.
NotRevFilter Includes a commit only if the subfilter does not include the commit.
RevFilter Selects interesting revisions during walking. This is an abstract interface. Applications may implement a subclass, or use one of the predefined implementations already available within this package. Filters may be chained together using AndRevFilter and OrRevFilter to create complex boolean expressions. Applications should install the filter on a RevWalk by RevWalk.setRevFilter(RevFilter) prior to starting traversal. Unless specifically noted otherwise a RevFilter implementation is not thread safe and may not be shared by different RevWalk instances at the same time. This restriction allows RevFilter implementations to cache state within their instances during include(RevWalk, RevCommit) if it is beneficial to their implementation. Deep clones created by Clone() may be used to construct a thread-safe copy of an existing filter. Message filters:
  • Author name/email: AuthorRevFilter
  • Committer name/email: CommitterRevFilter
  • Message body: MessageRevFilter
Merge filters:
  • Skip all merges: NO_MERGES.
Boolean modifiers:
  • AND: AndRevFilter
  • OR: OrRevFilter
  • NOT: NotRevFilter
RevFilter.RevFilterMergeBase Selects only merge bases of the starting points (thread safe). This is a special case filter that cannot be combined with any other filter. Its include method always throws an exception as context information beyond the arguments is necessary to determine if the supplied commit is a merge base.
RevFilter.RevFilterNoMerges Excludes commits with more than one parent (thread safe).
RevFilter.RevFilterNone Default filter that always returns false (thread safe).
SubStringRevFilter Abstract filter that searches text using only substring search.