GPUGraph.Applications |
GPUGraph.Editor |
GPUGraph.Examples |
Name | Description |
FloatParamInfo | |
FloatParamKVP | |
Graph | |
GraphEditorUtils | |
GraphParamCollection | |
GraphUtils | Provides support for saving/loading things like Graphs and shaders. It is recommended to just use RuntimeGraph instead of using this class directly. |
Node | |
NodeInput | |
NoiseNode | |
ParamNode_Float | |
ParamNode_Texture2D | |
RuntimeGraph | |
RuntimeGraph._SerializableFloatParamInfo | |
RuntimeGraph._SerializableFloatParamKVP | |
RuntimeGraph._SerializableTex2DParamInfo | |
RuntimeGraph._SerializableTex2DParamKVP | |
ShaderDefs | Definitions used in the creation of a graph's shader. |
SimpleNode | |
SimpleNode.Param | |
SubGraphNode | |
Tex2DParamKVP | |
TexCoordNode | |
Texture2DParamInfo |