C# (CSharp) BlueCollar.Dashboard Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
CountsHandler Implements the counts handler.
DashboardHandlerBase Base IDashboardHandler implementation.
DashboardHandlerFactory Implements IHttpHandlerFactory for the dashboard.
DashboardRouter Provides simple static routing for the dashboard.
DashboardStatsHandler Implements the dashboard stats handler.
Default Default page.
DeleteQueuedHandler Implements IDashboardHandler to delete a queued job.
DeleteScheduleHandler Implements IDashboardHandler to delete a schedule.
DeleteScheduledJobHandler Implements IDashboardHandler to delete a scheduled job.
DeleteWorkerHandler Implements IDashboardHandler to delete a worker.
HandlerHelper Provides a mixin of helpers for dashboard handlers.
HistoryDetailsHandler Implements the history details handler.
HistoryListHandler Implements the history list handler.
Index Represents the data used to fill in values when transforming the Static/index.xslt stylesheet into HTML.
IndexHandler Extends StaticFileHandler to handle requests for the index page.
JsonHandler Implements IDashboardHandler for JSON requests.
QueryString Represents a URL query string as a key/value collection.
QueuedDetailsHandler Implements the queued details handler.
QueuedListHandler Implements the queued list handler.
ScheduleListHandler Implements the schedule list handler.
ScheduledJobListHandler Implements the scheduled job list handler.
StaticFile Provides access to embedded static files.
StaticFileHandler Basic implementation of IDashboardHandler for embedded static files.
StyleSheetHandler Extends StaticFileHandler to handle requests for style sheets.
ValidationResult Represents the results of a validation test.
WorkerListHandler Implements the worker list handler.
WorkingDetailsHandler Implements the working details handler.
WorkingListHandler Implements the working list handler.