C# (CSharp) Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util Namespace


Name Description
ChunkedUploadWrapperStream Stream wrapper that double-buffers from a wrapped stream and returns the buffered content as a series of signed 'chunks' for the AWS4 ('Signature V4') protocol.
IniFile Provides read/write access to a file in the INI format. This class is not threadsafe.
InternalLog4netLogger Logger wrapper for reflected log4net logging methods.
InternalLogger Abstract logger class, base for any custom/specific loggers.
InternalSystemDiagnosticsLogger Logger wrapper for System.Diagnostics.TraceSource logger.
LogMessage A single logged message
Logger This is a dynamic wrapper around log4net so we can avoid log4net being required to be distributed with the SDK.
NonDisposingWrapperStream A wrapper stream which supresses disposal of the underlying stream.
OptimisticLockedTextFile Provides line-based read/write access to a file. The file can be read into memory, changed, then written back to disk. When the file is persisted back to disk, an optimistic concurrency check is performed to make sure the file hasn't changed since it was originally read. This class is not threadsafe.
PartialReadOnlyWrapperStream Partial wrapper stream that only supports reading
PartialWrapperStream This class is used to wrap a stream for a particular segment of a stream. It makes that segment look like you are reading from beginning to end of the stream.
ReadOnlyWrapperStream Wrapper stream that only supports reading
StringUtils Utilities for converting objects to strings. Used by the marshaller classes.
Timing Timing information for a metric
TimingEvent Timing event, stops timing of a metric when disposed
TraceSourceUtil Creates TraceRoute for a given Type or the closest "parent" that has a listener configured. Example: if type is Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDBClient, listeners can be configured for: -Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDBClient -Amazon.DynamoDB -Amazon The first matching TraceSource with listeners will be used. If no listeners are configured for type or one of its "parents", will return null.
WebProxy Custom WebProxy implementation that creates a webproxy based on user inputs(Host name and port number)
WrapperStream A wrapper stream.