Amazon.CloudHSM.Model.Internal |
Name | Description |
AddTagsToResourceRequest | Container for the parameters to the AddTagsToResource operation. Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified AWS CloudHSM resource. Each tag consists of a key and a value. Tag keys must be unique to each resource. |
AddTagsToResourceResponse | This is the response object from the AddTagsToResource operation. |
CloudHsmInternalException | |
CloudHsmServiceException | |
CreateHsmRequest | Container for the parameters to the CreateHsm operation. Creates an uninitialized HSM instance. There is an upfront fee charged for each HSM instance that you create with the CreateHsm operation. If you accidentally provision an HSM and want to request a refund, delete the instance using the DeleteHsm operation, go to the AWS Support Center, create a new case, and select Account and Billing Support. It can take up to 20 minutes to create and provision an HSM. You can monitor the status of the HSM with the DescribeHsm operation. The HSM is ready to be initialized when the status changes to |
CreateHsmResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon CreateHsm service |
DeleteHsmRequest | Container for the parameters to the DeleteHsm operation. Deletes an HSM. After completion, this operation cannot be undone and your key material cannot be recovered. |
DeleteHsmResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon DeleteHsm service |
DeleteLunaClientResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon DeleteLunaClient service |
DescribeHsmResponse | Contains the output of the DescribeHsm operation. |
DescribeLunaClientResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon DescribeLunaClient service |
GetConfigResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon GetConfig service |
InvalidRequestException | |
ListAvailableZonesResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon ListAvailableZones service |
ListHapgsResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon ListHapgs service |
ListHsmsResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon ListHsms service |
ListLunaClientsResponse | This is the response object from the ListLunaClients operation. |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Returns a list of all tags for the specified AWS CloudHSM resource. |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation. |
ModifyHapgResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon ModifyHapg service |
ModifyHsmRequest | Container for the parameters to the ModifyHsm operation. Modifies an HSM. This operation can result in the HSM being offline for up to 15 minutes while the AWS CloudHSM service is reconfigured. If you are modifying a production HSM, you should ensure that your AWS CloudHSM service is configured for high availability, and consider executing this operation during a maintenance window. |
ModifyHsmResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon ModifyHsm service |
ModifyLunaClientRequest | Container for the parameters to the ModifyLunaClient operation. Modifies the certificate used by the client. This action can potentially start a workflow to install the new certificate on the client's HSMs. |
ModifyLunaClientResponse | Configuration for accessing Amazon ModifyLunaClient service |
RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest | Container for the parameters to the RemoveTagsFromResource operation. Removes one or more tags from the specified AWS CloudHSM resource. To remove a tag, specify only the tag key to remove (not the value). To overwrite the value for an existing tag, use AddTagsToResource. |
RemoveTagsFromResourceResponse | This is the response object from the RemoveTagsFromResource operation. |
Tag | A key-value pair that identifies or specifies metadata about an AWS CloudHSM resource. |