Name |
Description |
Add |
Addition There are two kinds of addition: 1. both operands are of arithmetic Type 2. one operand is a pointer, and the other is an integral |
AddAssign |
AddAssign: a += b |
AssignOp |
Assignment operator |
Assignment |
Assignment: Left = Right |
AssignmentList |
A list of assignment expressions. e.g. a = 3, b = 4; |
Attribute | expr must be a struct or union. |
BasicTypeSpec |
BinaryArithmeticOp |
Binary integral operator: takes in two int/uint/float/double, returns an int/uint/float/double. |
BinaryIntegralOp |
Binary integral operator: takes in two integrals, returns an integer. |
BinaryLogicalOp |
Binary logical operator: first turn pointers to ulongs, then always returns long. |
BinaryOp |
Binary operator: Left op Right |
BitwiseAnd |
Bitwise And: returns an integer. |
BitwiseAndAssign |
BitwiseAndAssign: a &= b |
BitwiseNot |
~expr: only takes integral type. After semantic analysis, only the following 2 types are possible: 1) long 2) ulong |
BitwiseOr |
Bitwise Or: accepts two integrals, returns an integer. |
BitwiseOrAssign |
BitwiseOrAssign: a |= b |
BreakStmt |
Break Statement |
CaseStmt |
Case Statement |
CompoundStmt |
ConditionalExpression |
Conditional Expression Cond ? true_expr : false_expr Cond must be of scalar Type 1. if both true_expr and false_expr have arithmetic types perform usual arithmetic conversion 2. |
ContStmt |
Continue Statement |
Decln |
declaration : declaration-specifiers [Init-declarator-list]? ';' |
DeclnSpecs |
declaration-specifiers : [ storage-class-specifier | Type-specifier | Type-qualifier ]+ |
DefaultStmt |
Dereference |
DivAssign |
DivAssign: a /= b |
Divide |
Division: perform usual arithmetic conversion. |
DoWhileStmt |
Do-while Stmt do { body } while (cond); cond must be of scalar type |
EnumSpec |
enum-specifier : enum [identifier]? '{' enumerator-list '}' | enum identifier enumerator-list : enumerator [ ',' enumerator ]* |
Enumr |
enumerator : enumeration-constant [ '=' constant-expression ]? enumeration-constant : identifier |
Equal |
Equal |
Expr |
The cdecl calling convention: 1. arguments are passed on the stack, right to left. 2. int values and pointer values are returned in %eax. 3. floats are returned in %st(0). 4. when calling a function, %st(0) ~ %st(7) are all free. 5. functions are free to use %eax, %ecx, %edx, because caller needs to save them. 6. stack must be aligned to 4 bytes (before gcc 4.5, for gcc 4.5+, aligned to 16 bytes). |
ExprStmt |
Expression Statement |
FloatLiteral |
May be a float or double |
ForStmt |
for (init; cond; loop) { body } cond must be scalar |
FuncCall |
FuncDef |
GEqual |
Greater or Equal than |
GotoStmt |
Goto Statement |
Greater |
Greater than |
IfElseStmt |
If-else Statement if (cond) { true_stmt } else { false_stmt } |
IfStmt |
If Statement: if (cond) stmt; If cond is non-zero, stmt is executed. cond must be arithmetic or pointer type. |
IntLiteral |
May be signed or unsigned C doesn't have char constant, only int constant |
LEqual |
Less or Equal than |
LShift |
Left Shift: takes in two integrals, returns an integer. |
LShiftAssign |
LShiftAssign: a <<= b |
LabeledStmt |
Labeled Statement |
Less |
Less than |
LogicalAnd |
Logical and: both operands need to be non-zero. |
LogicalNot |
!expr: only takes scalar type. After semantic analysis, only the following 4 types are possible: 1) long 2) ulong 3) float 4) double Pointers are converted to ulongs. |
LogicalOr |
Logical or: at least one of operands needs to be non-zero. |
ModAssign |
ModAssign: a %= b |
Modulo |
Modulo: only accepts integrals. |
MultAssign |
MultAssign: a *= b |
Multiply |
Multiplication: perform usual arithmetic conversion. |
Negative |
-expr: only takes arithmetic type. After semantic analysis, only the following 4 types are possible: 1) long 2) ulong 3) float 4) double |
NonBasicTypeSpec |
NotEqual |
Not equal |
ParamDecln |
Parameter Declaration. int foo(int arg0, int arg1); ~~~~~~~~ int foo(int, int); ~~~ The declarator can be completely omitted. |
Positive |
PostDecrement |
expr--: must be a scalar |
PostIncrement |
expr++: must be integral, float or pointer. If expr is an array, it is converted to a pointer in semantic analysis. |
PreDecrement |
--expr: must be a scalar |
PreIncrement |
++expr: must be a scalar |
RShift |
Right Shift: takes in two integrals, returns an integer; |
RShiftAssign |
RShiftAssign: a >>= b |
Reference |
ReturnStmt |
SizeofExpr |
SizeofType |
SpecQualList |
specifier-qualifier-list : [ Type-specifier | Type-qualifier ]+ |
Stmt |
StringLiteral |
String Literal |
StructDecln |
struct-declaration : specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list ';' struct-declarator-list : struct-declarator [ ',' struct-declarator ]* struct-declarator : declarator | [declarator]? ':' constant-expression |
StructOrUnionSpec |
struct-or-union-specifier |
Sub |
Subtraction There are three kinds of subtractions: 1. arithmetic - arithmetic 2. pointer - integral 3. pointer - pointer |
SubAssign |
SubAssign: a -= b |
SwitchStmt |
Switch Statement |
TranslnUnit |
TypeCast |
TypeName |
Type-name : specifier-qualifier-list [abstract-declarator]? |
TypeSpec |
Type-specifier : void --+ | char | | short | | int | | long +--> Basic Type specifier | float | | double | | signed | | unsigned --+ | struct-or-union-specifier | enum-specifier | typedef-name |
TypedefName |
typedef-name : identifier |
UnaryExprOperator |
Variable |
WhileStmt |
While Statement while (cond) { body } cond must be of scalar type |
Xor |
Xor: returns an integer. |
XorAssign |
XorAssign: a ^= b |