C# Class vlko.BlogModule.Search.SearchProvider

Inheritance: ISearchProvider
Mostra file Open project: vlko/vlko

Public Methods

Method Description
CloseIndexWriter ( IndexWriter writer ) : void

Gets the index reader.

DeleteIndex ( ) : void

Deletes the index.

GetIndexSearcher ( ) : IndexSearcher

Gets the index searcher.

GetQueryParser ( string fields ) : Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.MultiFieldQueryParser

Gets the query parser.

Initialize ( string indexFolder ) : void

Initializes this instance.

OpenIndexWriter ( ) : IndexWriter

Gets the index writer.

OptimizeIndex ( ) : void

Optimizes the index.

Method Details

CloseIndexWriter() public method

Gets the index reader.
public CloseIndexWriter ( IndexWriter writer ) : void
writer Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter
return void

DeleteIndex() public method

Deletes the index.
public DeleteIndex ( ) : void
return void

GetIndexSearcher() public method

Gets the index searcher.
public GetIndexSearcher ( ) : IndexSearcher
return Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher

GetQueryParser() public method

Gets the query parser.
public GetQueryParser ( string fields ) : Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.MultiFieldQueryParser
fields string The fields.
return Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.MultiFieldQueryParser

Initialize() public method

Initializes this instance.
public Initialize ( string indexFolder ) : void
indexFolder string
return void

OpenIndexWriter() public method

Gets the index writer.
public OpenIndexWriter ( ) : IndexWriter
return Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter

OptimizeIndex() public method

Optimizes the index.
public OptimizeIndex ( ) : void
return void