C# Class org.GraphDefined.Vanaheimr.Illias.EventTracking_Id

The unique identification for tracking events (EventTrackingId).
Inheritance: System
Mostra file Open project: Vanaheimr/Illias Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_Id String

Public Methods

Method Description
CompareTo ( EventTracking_Id EventTrackingId ) : Int32

Compares two instances of this object.

CompareTo ( Object Object ) : Int32

Compares two instances of this object.

Equals ( EventTracking_Id EventTrackingId ) : System.Boolean

Compares two EventTrackingIds for equality.

Equals ( Object Object ) : System.Boolean

Compares two instances of this object.

GetHashCode ( ) : Int32

Return the HashCode of this object.

Parse ( String EventTrackingId ) : EventTracking_Id

Parse the given string as an event tracking identification.

ToString ( ) : String

Return a string representation of this object.

TryParse ( String Text, EventTracking_Id &EventTrackingId ) : System.Boolean

Parse the given string as an event tracking identification.

operator ( ) : System.Boolean

Compares two instances of this object.

Private Methods

Method Description
EventTracking_Id ( String EventTrackingId ) : System

Generate a new unique identification for tracking events (EventTrackingId) based on the given string.

Method Details

CompareTo() public method

Compares two instances of this object.
public CompareTo ( EventTracking_Id EventTrackingId ) : Int32
EventTrackingId EventTracking_Id An object to compare with.
return System.Int32

CompareTo() public method

Compares two instances of this object.
public CompareTo ( Object Object ) : Int32
Object Object An object to compare with.
return System.Int32

Equals() public method

Compares two EventTrackingIds for equality.
public Equals ( EventTracking_Id EventTrackingId ) : System.Boolean
EventTrackingId EventTracking_Id A EventTrackingId to compare with.
return System.Boolean

Equals() public method

Compares two instances of this object.
public Equals ( Object Object ) : System.Boolean
Object Object An object to compare with.
return System.Boolean

GetHashCode() public method

Return the HashCode of this object.
public GetHashCode ( ) : Int32
return System.Int32

Parse() public static method

Parse the given string as an event tracking identification.
public static Parse ( String EventTrackingId ) : EventTracking_Id
EventTrackingId String
return EventTracking_Id

ToString() public method

Return a string representation of this object.
public ToString ( ) : String
return String

TryParse() public static method

Parse the given string as an event tracking identification.
public static TryParse ( String Text, EventTracking_Id &EventTrackingId ) : System.Boolean
Text String A text representation of an event tracking identification.
EventTrackingId EventTracking_Id The parsed event tracking identification.
return System.Boolean

operator() public static method

Compares two instances of this object.
public static operator ( ) : System.Boolean
return System.Boolean

Property Details

_Id protected_oe property

The internal identification.
protected String _Id
return String