C# Class org.GraphDefined.Vanaheimr.Hermod.SOAP.ASOAPServer

Mostra file Open project: Vanaheimr/Hermod

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultContentType HTTPContentType
DefaultHTTPServerPort IPPort
DefaultRequestTimeout System.TimeSpan

Public Methods

Method Description
ASOAPServer ( SOAPServer SOAPServer, String URIPrefix = DefaultURIPrefix ) : System

Use the given HTTP server for the HTTP/SOAP/XML Server API.

ASOAPServer ( String HTTPServerName = DefaultHTTPServerName, IPPort TCPPort = null, String URIPrefix = DefaultURIPrefix, HTTPContentType SOAPContentType = null, System.Boolean RegisterHTTPRootService = true, DNSClient DNSClient = null, System.Boolean AutoStart = false ) : System

Initialize a new HTTP server for the HTTP/SOAP/XML Server API using IPAddress.Any.

Shutdown ( String Message = null, System.Boolean Wait = true ) : void

Stop the SOAP API.

Start ( ) : void

Start the SOAP API.

Protected Methods

Method Description
RegisterURITemplates ( ) : void

Register all URI templates for this SOAP API.

Private Methods

Method Description
RegisterRootService ( ) : void

Method Details

ASOAPServer() public method

Use the given HTTP server for the HTTP/SOAP/XML Server API.
public ASOAPServer ( SOAPServer SOAPServer, String URIPrefix = DefaultURIPrefix ) : System
SOAPServer SOAPServer A SOAP server.
URIPrefix String An optional URI prefix for the SOAP URI templates.
return System

ASOAPServer() public method

Initialize a new HTTP server for the HTTP/SOAP/XML Server API using IPAddress.Any.
public ASOAPServer ( String HTTPServerName = DefaultHTTPServerName, IPPort TCPPort = null, String URIPrefix = DefaultURIPrefix, HTTPContentType SOAPContentType = null, System.Boolean RegisterHTTPRootService = true, DNSClient DNSClient = null, System.Boolean AutoStart = false ) : System
HTTPServerName String An optional identification string for the HTTP server.
TCPPort IPPort An optional TCP port for the HTTP server.
URIPrefix String An optional prefix for the HTTP URIs.
SOAPContentType HTTPContentType The HTTP content type for SOAP messages.
RegisterHTTPRootService System.Boolean Register HTTP root services for sending a notice to clients connecting via HTML or plain text.
DNSClient DNSClient An optional DNS client to use.
AutoStart System.Boolean Start the server immediately.
return System

RegisterURITemplates() protected abstract method

Register all URI templates for this SOAP API.
protected abstract RegisterURITemplates ( ) : void
return void

Shutdown() public method

Stop the SOAP API.
public Shutdown ( String Message = null, System.Boolean Wait = true ) : void
Message String An optional shutdown message.
Wait System.Boolean Wait for a clean shutdown of the API.
return void

Start() public method

Start the SOAP API.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

DefaultContentType public_oe static_oe property

The default HTTP/SOAP/XML content type.
public static HTTPContentType DefaultContentType
return HTTPContentType

DefaultHTTPServerPort public_oe static_oe property

The default HTTP/SOAP/XML server TCP port.
public static IPPort DefaultHTTPServerPort
return IPPort

DefaultRequestTimeout public_oe static_oe property

The default request timeout.
public static TimeSpan,System DefaultRequestTimeout
return System.TimeSpan