C# Class fCraft.Logger

Central logging class. Logs to file, relays messages to the frontend, submits crash reports.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
ConsoleOptions bool[]
LogFileOptions bool[]
SplittingType LogSplittingType

Public Methods

Method Description
CheckForCommonErrors ( [ ex ) : bool
EventTraceNotifier ( int eventIndex, EventArgs e ) : void
LogAndReportCrash ( [ message, [ assembly, [ exception, bool shutdownImminent ) : void
LogToConsole ( [ message ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddEventHook ( TypeBuilder typeBuilder, Type methodParams, Type returnType, int eventIndex ) : void
GetPrefix ( LogType level ) : string
LoadTracingSettings ( ) : void
Log ( LogType type, [ message ) : void
Logger ( ) : System.Reflection.Emit
MarkLogStart ( ) : void
PrepareEventTracing ( ) : void
RaiseCrashedEvent ( CrashedEventArgs e ) : void
RaiseLoggedEvent ( [ rawMessage, [ line, LogType logType ) : void

Method Details

CheckForCommonErrors() public static method

public static CheckForCommonErrors ( [ ex ) : bool
ex [
return bool

EventTraceNotifier() public static method

public static EventTraceNotifier ( int eventIndex, EventArgs e ) : void
eventIndex int
e System.EventArgs
return void

LogAndReportCrash() public static method

public static LogAndReportCrash ( [ message, [ assembly, [ exception, bool shutdownImminent ) : void
message [
assembly [
exception [
shutdownImminent bool
return void

LogToConsole() public static method

public static LogToConsole ( [ message ) : void
message [
return void

Property Details

ConsoleOptions public_oe static_oe property

public static bool[] ConsoleOptions
return bool[]

LogFileOptions public_oe static_oe property

public static bool[] LogFileOptions
return bool[]

SplittingType public_oe static_oe property

public static LogSplittingType SplittingType
return LogSplittingType