C# Class ZocBuild.Database.BuildItem

Represents a database object and its build script. This class tracks the build state of its database object and presents other build items that are referenced by or from this one.
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
BuildItem System
FindDependencyDepth int
ReportError void
ReportSuccess void

Private Methods

Method Description
BuildItem ( ScriptFile script, IEnumerable dependencies, IEnumerable referencers, bool objectExists ) : System

Instantiates a BuildItem with the given build script.

FindDependencyDepth ( IEnumerable referencers, int currentDepth ) : int
ReportError ( BuildErrorBase error ) : void

Marks this build item as having entered an error state.

Calling this method will update the Status and Error properties.

ReportSuccess ( ) : void

Marks this build item as having successfully built.

Calling this method will update the Status property.