C# Class Zmanim.ComplexZmanimCalendar

This class extends ZmanimCalendar and provides many more zmanim than available in the ZmanimCalendar. The basis for most zmanim in this class are from the sefer Yisroel Vehazmanim by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Harfenes.
For an example of the number of different zmanim made available by this class, there are methods to return 12 different calculations for alos (dawn) available in this class. The real power of this API is the ease in calculating zmanim that are not part of the API. The methods for doing zmanim calculations not present in this or it's superclass the ZmanimCalendar are contained in the AstronomicalCalendar, the base class of the calendars in our API since they are generic methods for calculating time based on degrees or time before or after sunrise" and sunset and are of interest for calculation beyond zmanim calculations. Here are some examples:
First create the Calendar for the location you would like to calculate: string locationName = "Lakewood, NJ" double latitude = 40.0828; //Lakewood, NJ double longitude = -74.2094; //Lakewood, NJ double elevation = 0; ITimeZone timeZone = new JavaTimeZone("America/New_York"); GeoLocation location = new GeoLocation(locationName, latitude, longitude, elevation, timeZone); ComplexZmanimCalendar czc = new ComplexZmanimCalendar(DateTime.Now, location); Note: For locations such as Israel where the beginning and end of daylight savings time can fluctuate from year to year create a Zmanim.TimeZone.ITimeZone with the known start and end of DST.
To get alos calculated as 14° below the horizon (as calculated in the calendars published in Montreal) use: DateTime alos14 = czc.getSunriseOffsetByDegrees(14); To get mincha gedola calculated based on the MGA using a shaah zmanis based on the day starting 16.1° below the horizon (and ending 16.1° after sunset the following calculation can be used: DateTime minchaGedola = czc.getTimeOffset(czc.getAlos16point1Degrees(), czc.getShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() * 6.5); A little more complex example would be calculating plag hamincha based on a shaah zmanis that was not present in this class. While a drop more complex it is still rather easy. For example if you wanted to calculate plag based on the day starting 12° before sunrise and ending 12° after sunset as calculated in the calendars in Manchester, England (there is nothing that would prevent your calculating the day using sunrise and sunset offsets that are not identical degrees, but this would lead to chatzos being a time other than the solar transit (solar midday)). The steps involved would be to first calculate the shaah zmanis and than use that time in milliseconds to calculate 10.75 hours after sunrise starting at 12° before sunset long shaahZmanis = czc.getTemporalHour(czc.getSunriseOffsetByDegrees(12), czc.getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(12)); DateTime plag = getTimeOffset(czc.getSunriseOffsetByDegrees(12), shaahZmanis * 10.75);


While I did my best to get accurate results please do not rely on these zmanim for halacha lemaaseh
Inheritance: Zmanim.ZmanimCalendar
Mostra file Open project: Yitzchok/Zmanim Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ComplexZmanimCalendar ( ) : System

Default constructor will set a default GeoLocation, a default AstronomicalCalculator and default the calendar to the current date.

ComplexZmanimCalendar ( System.DateTime date, IGeoLocation location ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ComplexZmanimCalendar class.

ComplexZmanimCalendar ( IDateWithLocation dateWithLocation ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ComplexZmanimCalendar class.

ComplexZmanimCalendar ( IGeoLocation location ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ComplexZmanimCalendar class.

GetAlos120 ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 120 minutes before sea level sunrise (no adjustment for elevation is made) based on the time to walk the distance of 5 Mil( Ula) at 24 minutes a Mil. This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 5 Mil(Ula).

GetAlos120Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 120 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/6th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on a 24 minute Mil so the time for 5 Mil is 120 minutes which is 1/6th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) / 6 =120 based on the day starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The actual calculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSunrise - ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 2).

GetAlos16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 16.1° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. This calculation is based on the same calculation of 72 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 72 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 72 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 16.1° below geometric zenith.

GetAlos18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 18° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise.

GetAlos19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 19.8° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. This calculation is based on the same calculation of 90 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 90 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 90 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 19.8° below geometric zenith

GetAlos26Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 26° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. This calculation is based on the same calculation of 120 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 120 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 120 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 26° below geometric zenith.

GetAlos60 ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 60 minutes before sea level sunrise on the time to walk the distance of 4 Mil at 15 minutes a Mil (the opinion of the Chavas Yair. See the Divray Malkiel). This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 4 Mil.

GetAlos72Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 72 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/10th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on an 18 minute Mil so the time for 4 Mil is 72 minutes which is 1/10th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) based on the day starting at sea level sunrise and ending at sea level sunset. The actual alculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSeaLevelSunrise- ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 1.2). This calculation is used in the calendars published by Hisachdus Harabanim D'Artzos Habris Ve'Kanada

GetAlos90 ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 90 minutes before sea level sunrise on the time to walk the distance of 4 Mil at 22.5 minutes a Mil. This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 4 Mil.

GetAlos90Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 90 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/8th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on a 22.5 minute Mil so the time for 4 Mil is 90 minutes which is 1/8th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) /8 =90 based on the day starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The actual calculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSunrise - ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 1.5).

GetAlos96 ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 96 minutes before sea level sunrise based on the time to walk the distance of 4 Mil at 24 minutes a Mil. This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 4 Mil.

GetAlos96Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 90 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/8th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on a 24 minute Mil so the time for 4 Mil is 90 minutes which is 1/7.5th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) / 7.5 =96 based on the day starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The actual calculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSunrise - ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 1.6).

GetBainHasmashosRT13Point24Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return Bain Hashmasho of Rabainu Tam calculated when the sun is ZENITH_13_POINT_24 13.24° below the western geometric horizon (90°;) after sunset. This calculation is based on the same calculation of Bain Hasmashos Rabainu Tam 58.5 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 58.5 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 58.5 minutes after sunset in Jerusalem during the equinox which calculates to 13.24°; below AstronomicalCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH geometric zenith.

NOTE: As per Yisroel Vehazmanim Vol III page 1028 No 50, a dip of slightly less than 13°; should be used. Calculations show that the proper dip to be 13.2456°; (truncated to 13.24 that provides about 1.5 second earlier (lechumra) time) below the horizon at that time. This makes a difference of 1 minute and 10 seconds in Jerusalem during the Equinox, and 1 minute 29 seconds during the solstice as compared to the proper 13.24°;. For NY during the solstice, the difference is 1 minute 56 seconds.

GetBainHasmashosRT13Point5MinutesBefore7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of bain hashmashos based on the calculation of 13.5 minutes (3/4 of an 18 minute mil before shkiah calculated as 7.083°.

GetBainHasmashosRT2Stars ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns bain hashmashos of Rabainu Tam calculated in the opinion of the Divray Yosef (see Yisrael Vehazmanim) calculated 5/18th (27.77%) of the time between alos (calculated as 19.8° before sunrise) and sunrise. This is added to sunset to arrive at the time for bain hashmashos of Rabainu Tam).

GetBainHasmashosRT58Point5Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns Bain Hashmashos of Rabainu Tam calculated as a 58.5 minute offset after sunset. Bain hashmashos is 3/4 of a mil before tzais or 3 1/4 mil after sunset. With a mil calculated as 18 minutes, 3.25 * 18 = 58.5 minutes.

GetFixedLocalChatzos ( ) : DateTime?

A method that returns the local time for fixed chatzos. This time is noon and midnight adjusted from standard time to account for the local latitude. The 360° of the globe divided by 24 calculates to 15° per hour with 4 minutes per degree, so at a longitude of 0 , 15, 30 etc Chatzos in 12:00 noon. Lakewood, NJ whose longitude is -74.2094 is 0.7906 away from the closest multiple of 15 at -75°. This is multiplied by 4 to yeild 3 minutes and 10 seconds for a chatzos of 11:56:50. This method is not tied to the theoretical 15° timezones, but will adjust to the actual timezone and Daylight saving time.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Returns a hash code for this instance.

GetMinchaGedola16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of mincha gedola according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting and ending 16.1° below the horizon. This is the earliest time to pray mincha. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 6.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 6.5 * GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after alos.

GetMinchaGedola30Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns mincha gedola calculated as 30 minutes after chatzos and not 1/2 of a shaah zmanis after chatzos as calculated by ZmanimCalendar.GetMinchaGedola. Some use this time to delay the start of mincha in the winter when 1/2 of a shaah zmanis is less than 30 minutes. See GetMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30()for a conveniance method that returns the later of the 2 calculations. One should not use this time to start mincha before the standard mincha gedola. See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim Siman Raish Lamed Gimel seif alef and the Shaar Hatziyon seif katan ches.

GetMinchaGedola72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of mincha gedola according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting 72 minutes before sunrise and ending 72 minutes after sunset. This is the earliest time to pray mincha. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 6.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 6.5 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after alos.

GetMinchaGedolaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of mincha gedola based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 6.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 6.5 * GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah() after alos.

GetMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30 ( ) : DateTime?

This is a conveniance methd that returns the later of ZmanimCalendar.GetMinchaGedola and GetMinchaGedola30Minutes(). In the winter when a shaah zmanis is less than 30 minutes GetMinchaGedola30Minutes() will be returned, otherwise ZmanimCalendar.GetMinchaGedola will be returned.

GetMinchaKetana16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of mincha ketana according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting and ending 16.1° below the horizon. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 9.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 9.5 * GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after alos.

GetMinchaKetana72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of mincha ketana according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting 72 minutes before sunrise and ending 72 minutes after sunset. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 9.5 GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after alos. The calculation used is 9.5 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after alos.

GetMinchaKetanaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of mincha ketana based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 9.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 9.5 * GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah() after alos.

GetMisheyakir10Point2Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns misheyakir based on the position of the sun when it is 10.2° below geometric zenith (90°). This calculation is used for calculating misheyakir according to some opinions. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 45 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 10.2° below geometric zenith

GetMisheyakir11Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns misheyakir based on the position of the sun when it is 11° below geometric zenith (90°). This calculation is used for calculating misheyakir according to some opinions. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 48 minutes before sunrisein Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 11° below geometric zenith

GetMisheyakir11Point5Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns misheyakir based on the position of the sun when it is 11.5° below geometric zenith (90°). This calculation is used for calculating misheyakir according to some opinions. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 52 minutes before sunrisein Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 11.5° below geometric zenith

GetPlagAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at tzais. 10.75 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 10.75 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after dawn based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a dawn of 16.1 degrees before sunrise to tzais . This returns the time of 10.75 * the calculated shaah zmanis after dawn.

GetPlagAlosToSunset ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at sunset. 10.75 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 10.75 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after dawn based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a dawn of 16.1 degrees before sunrise to sea level sunset . This returns the time of 10.75 * the calculated shaah zmanis after dawn.

GetPlagHamincha120Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() after GetAlos120().

GetPlagHamincha120MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis120MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetPlagHamincha16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at tzais 16.1°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after GetAlos16Point1Degrees().

GetPlagHamincha18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 18° and ends at tzais 18°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() after GetAlos18Degrees().

GetPlagHamincha19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 19.8° and ends at tzais 19.8°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() after GetAlos19Point8Degrees().

GetPlagHamincha26Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 26° and ends at tzais 26°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis26Degrees() after GetAlos26Degrees().

GetPlagHamincha60Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis60Minutes() after .

GetPlagHamincha72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after ZmanimCalendar.GetAlos72.

GetPlagHamincha72MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetPlagHamincha90Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() after GetAlos90().

GetPlagHamincha90MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetPlagHamincha96Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() after GetAlos96().

GetPlagHamincha96MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetPlagHaminchaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 10.75 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after dawn.

GetShaahZmanis120Minutes ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 120 minutes. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 120 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 120 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis120MinutesZmanis ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 120 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 120 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 120 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/6th of the day from sunrise to sunset.

GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 16.1°. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 16.1° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise and dusk is when the sun is 16.1° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis18Degrees ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a 18° dip. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 18° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. Dusk for this is when the sun is 18° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a 19.8° dip. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 19.8° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. Dusk for this is when the sun is 19.8° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis26Degrees ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 26°. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 26° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. Dusk for this is when the sun is 26° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis60Minutes ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (solar hour) according to the opinion of the MGA. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 60 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 60 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. Alternate mothods of calculating a shaah zmanis are available in the subclass ComplexZmanimCalendar

GetShaahZmanis72Minutes ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (solar hour) according to the opinion of the MGA. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 72 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 72 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. Alternate mothods of calculating a shaah zmanis are available in the subclass ComplexZmanimCalendar

GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 72 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/10th of the day from sunrise to sunset.

GetShaahZmanis90Minutes ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 90 minutes. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 90 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 90 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 90 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/8th of the day from sunrise to sunset.

GetShaahZmanis96Minutes ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 96 minutes. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 96 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 96 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.

GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 96 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/7.5th of the day from sunrise to sunset.

GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah ( ) : long

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah calculated with alos being 1/10th of sunrise to sunset day, or 72 minutes zmaniyos of such a day before sunrise, and tzais is usually calculated as 40 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. Note that with this system, chatzos (mid-day) will not be the point that the sun is halfway across the sky.

GetSofZmanAchilasChametzMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest time one is allowed eating chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos16Point1Degrees() 16.1° before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 4 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn.

GetSofZmanAchilasChametzMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest time one is allowed eating chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos72() 72 minutes before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is identical to the GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72Minutes() Sof zman tefilah MGA 72 minutes. This time is 4 GetShaahZmanisMGA() shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after GetAlos72() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from a GetAlos72() dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to GetTzais72() nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanisMGA() after GetAlos72() dawn.

GetSofZmanBiurChametzGRA ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest time for burning chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya. This time is 5 hours into the day based on the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya that the day is calculated from sunrise to sunset. This returns the time 5 * GetShaahZmanisGra() after GetSeaLevelSunrise() sea level sunrise.

GetSofZmanBiurChametzMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest time for burning chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos16Point1Degrees() 16.1° before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 5 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 5 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn.

GetSofZmanBiurChametzMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest time for burning chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos72() 72 minutes before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 5 GetShaahZmanisMGA() shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after {@link #getAlos72() dawn} based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from a GetAlos72() dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to GetTzais72() nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 5 * GetShaahZmanisMGA after GetAlos72() dawn.

GetSofZmanShma3HoursBeforeChatzos ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) calculated as 3 hours (regular and not zmaniyos) before ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos. This is the opinion of the Shach in the Nekudas Hakesef (Yora Deah 184), Shevus Yaakov, Chasan Sofer and others.This returns the time of 3 hours before ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos.

GetSofZmanShmaAlos16Point1ToSunset ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at sea level sunset. 3 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alosto reach this time. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a alos 16.1° to sea level sunset.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.

GetSofZmanShmaAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at tzais 7.083°. 3 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after alos 16.1° based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a alos 16.1° to tzais 7.083°.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.

GetSofZmanShmaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset . shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after alos 72 zmaniyos.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.

GetSofZmanShmaFixedLocal ( ) : DateTime?

A method that returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) calculated as 3 hours before GetFixedLocalChatzos().

GetSofZmanShmaMGA120Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 120 minutes or 1/6th of the day before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 120 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 120 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() after dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 16.1° before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 3 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to recite Shema in the morning) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos18Degrees() 18° before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 3 GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 18° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 19.8° before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 19.8° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 3 GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() after dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after dawn. This class returns an identical time to ZmanimCalendar.GetSofZmanShmaMGA and is repeated here for clarity.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA72MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes zmaniyos, or 1/10th of the day before sunrise . This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes zmaniyos, or 1/10th of the day before sea level sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes zmaniyos after sea level sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA90Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() after dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA90MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() after dawn .

GetSofZmanShmaMGA96Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() after dawn.

GetSofZmanShmaMGA96MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfila2HoursBeforeChatzos ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) calculated as 2 hours befor ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos. This is based on the opinions that calculate sof zman krias shema as GetSofZmanShma3HoursBeforeChatzos(). This returns the time of 2 hours before ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos.

GetSofZmanTfilaFixedLocal ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) calculated as 2 hours before GetFixedLocalChatzos().

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA120Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 120 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 120 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 120 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 16.1° before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 19.8° before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 19.8° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after dawn. This class returns an identical time to ZmanimCalendar.GetSofZmanTfilaMGA and is repeated here for clarity.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA90Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA90MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA96Minutes ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA96MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() after dawn.

GetSofZmanTfilahAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after alos 72 zmaniyos.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.

GetTzais120 ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Magen Avraham that the time to walk the distance of a Mil in the Ramba"ms opinion is 2/5 of an hour (24 minutes) for a total of 120 minutes based on the opinion of Ula who calculated tzais as 5 Mil after sea level shkiah (sunset). A similar calculation GetTzais26Degrees() uses temporal calculations based on this time.

GetTzais120Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated using 120 minutes zmaniyos (GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) after sea level sunset.

GetTzais16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos16Point1Degrees()

GetTzais18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos18Degrees()

GetTzais19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos19Point8Degrees()

GetTzais26Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos26Degrees()

GetTzais60 ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Chavas Yair and Divray Malkiel that the time to walk the distance of a Mil is 15 minutes for a total of 60 minutes for 4 mil after sea level sunset.

GetTzais72Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated as 72 minutes zmaniyos, or 1/10th of the day after sea level sunset.

GetTzais90 ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated as 90 minutes after sea level sunset. This method returns tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Magen Avraham that the time to walk the distance of a Mil in the Ramba"m's opinion is 18 minutes for a total of 90 minutes based on the opinion of Ula who calculated tzais as 5 Mil after sea level shkiah (sunset). A similar calculation GetTzais19Point8Degrees()uses solar position calculations based on this time.

GetTzais90Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated using 90 minutes zmaniyos (GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) after sea level sunset.

GetTzais96 ( ) : DateTime?

A method to return tzais (dusk) calculated as 96 minutes after sea level sunset. For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos96().

GetTzais96Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated using 96 minutes zmaniyos (GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) after sea level sunset.

GetTzaisAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns tzais usually calculated as 40 minutes after sunset. Please note that Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah who uses this time, does so only for calculating various other zmanai hayom such as Sof Zman Krias Shema and Plag Hamincha. His calendars do not publish a zman for Tzais. It should also be noted that Chacham Harari-Raful provided a 25 minute zman for Israel. This API uses 40 minutes year round in any place on the globe by default. This offset can be changed by calling AteretTorahSunsetOffset.

GetTzaisGeonim3Point65Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated calculated as 3/4 of a Mil based on an 18 minute Mil, or 13.5 minutes. It is the sun's position at 3.65° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.

GetTzaisGeonim3Point676Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil based on an 18 minute Mil, or 13.5 minutes. It is the sun's position at ZENITH_3_POINT_676 3.676° below the western horizon based on the calculations of Stanley Fishkind. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.

GetTzaisGeonim4Point37Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil, based on a 22.5 minute Mil, or 16 7/8 minutes. It is the sun's position at 4.37° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.

GetTzaisGeonim4Point61Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil based on a 24 minute Mil, or 18 minutes. It is the sun's position at 4.61° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.

GetTzaisGeonim4Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil. It is the sun's position at 4.8° below the western horizon based on Rabbi Leo Levi's calculations. (FIXME: additional documentation needed) This is the This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.

GetTzaisGeonim5Point88Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil. It is based on the Baal Hatanya based on a Mil being 24 minutes, and is calculated as 18 +2 + 4 for a total of 24 minutes (FIXME: additional details needed). It is the sun's position at 5.88° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.

GetTzaisGeonim5Point95Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 5.95° below the western horizon.

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 5.95° below the western horizon.

GetTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 7.083° below the western horizon.

GetTzaisGeonim8Point5Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 8.5° below the western horizon.

etSofZmanTfilaMGA18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to recite the morning prayers) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos18Degrees() 18° before {@link #getSunrise() sunrise}. This time is 4 GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 18° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn.

getSofZmanAchilasChametzGRA ( ) : DateTime?

This method returns the latest time one is allowed eating chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya. This time is identical to the {@link #getSofZmanTfilaGRA() Sof zman tefilah GRA}. This time is 4 hours into the day based on the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya that the day is calculated from sunrise to sunset. This returns the time 4 * GetShaahZmanisGra() after GetSeaLevelSunrise() sea level sunrise.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetSofZmanShmaKolEliyahu ( ) : DateTime?

Method Details

ComplexZmanimCalendar() public method

Default constructor will set a default GeoLocation, a default AstronomicalCalculator and default the calendar to the current date.
public ComplexZmanimCalendar ( ) : System
return System

ComplexZmanimCalendar() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ComplexZmanimCalendar class.
public ComplexZmanimCalendar ( System.DateTime date, IGeoLocation location ) : System
date System.DateTime The date.
location IGeoLocation The location.
return System

ComplexZmanimCalendar() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ComplexZmanimCalendar class.
public ComplexZmanimCalendar ( IDateWithLocation dateWithLocation ) : System
dateWithLocation IDateWithLocation The date with location.
return System

ComplexZmanimCalendar() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ComplexZmanimCalendar class.
public ComplexZmanimCalendar ( IGeoLocation location ) : System
location IGeoLocation The location.
return System

GetAlos120() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 120 minutes before sea level sunrise (no adjustment for elevation is made) based on the time to walk the distance of 5 Mil( Ula) at 24 minutes a Mil. This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 5 Mil(Ula).
public GetAlos120 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos120Zmanis() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 120 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/6th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on a 24 minute Mil so the time for 5 Mil is 120 minutes which is 1/6th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) / 6 =120 based on the day starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The actual calculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSunrise - ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 2).
public GetAlos120Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos16Point1Degrees() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 16.1° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. This calculation is based on the same calculation of 72 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 72 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 72 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 16.1° below geometric zenith.
public GetAlos16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos18Degrees() public method

to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 18° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise.
public GetAlos18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos19Point8Degrees() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 19.8° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. This calculation is based on the same calculation of 90 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 90 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 90 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 19.8° below geometric zenith
public GetAlos19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos26Degrees() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated when the sun is 26° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. This calculation is based on the same calculation of 120 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 120 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 120 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 26° below geometric zenith.
public GetAlos26Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos60() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 60 minutes before sea level sunrise on the time to walk the distance of 4 Mil at 15 minutes a Mil (the opinion of the Chavas Yair. See the Divray Malkiel). This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 4 Mil.
public GetAlos60 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos72Zmanis() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 72 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/10th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on an 18 minute Mil so the time for 4 Mil is 72 minutes which is 1/10th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) based on the day starting at sea level sunrise and ending at sea level sunset. The actual alculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSeaLevelSunrise- ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 1.2). This calculation is used in the calendars published by Hisachdus Harabanim D'Artzos Habris Ve'Kanada
public GetAlos72Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos90() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 90 minutes before sea level sunrise on the time to walk the distance of 4 Mil at 22.5 minutes a Mil. This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 4 Mil.
public GetAlos90 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos90Zmanis() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 90 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/8th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on a 22.5 minute Mil so the time for 4 Mil is 90 minutes which is 1/8th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) /8 =90 based on the day starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The actual calculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSunrise - ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 1.5).
public GetAlos90Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos96() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 96 minutes before sea level sunrise based on the time to walk the distance of 4 Mil at 24 minutes a Mil. This is based on the opinion of most Rishonim who stated that the time of the Neshef (time between dawn and sunrise) does not vary by the time of year or location but purely depends on the time it takes to walk the distance of 4 Mil.
public GetAlos96 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetAlos96Zmanis() public method

Method to return alos (dawn) calculated using 90 minutes zmaniyos( GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) or 1/8th of the day before sea level sunrise. This is based on a 24 minute Mil so the time for 4 Mil is 90 minutes which is 1/7.5th of a day (12 * 60 = 720) / 7.5 =96 based on the day starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The actual calculation is AstronomicalCalendar.GetSunrise - ( ZmanimCalendar.GetShaahZmanisGra * 1.6).
public GetAlos96Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetBainHasmashosRT13Point24Degrees() public method

Method to return Bain Hashmasho of Rabainu Tam calculated when the sun is ZENITH_13_POINT_24 13.24° below the western geometric horizon (90°;) after sunset. This calculation is based on the same calculation of Bain Hasmashos Rabainu Tam 58.5 minutes but uses a degree based calculation instead of 58.5 exact minutes. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 58.5 minutes after sunset in Jerusalem during the equinox which calculates to 13.24°; below AstronomicalCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH geometric zenith.

NOTE: As per Yisroel Vehazmanim Vol III page 1028 No 50, a dip of slightly less than 13°; should be used. Calculations show that the proper dip to be 13.2456°; (truncated to 13.24 that provides about 1.5 second earlier (lechumra) time) below the horizon at that time. This makes a difference of 1 minute and 10 seconds in Jerusalem during the Equinox, and 1 minute 29 seconds during the solstice as compared to the proper 13.24°;. For NY during the solstice, the difference is 1 minute 56 seconds.
public GetBainHasmashosRT13Point24Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetBainHasmashosRT13Point5MinutesBefore7Point083Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of bain hashmashos based on the calculation of 13.5 minutes (3/4 of an 18 minute mil before shkiah calculated as 7.083°.
public GetBainHasmashosRT13Point5MinutesBefore7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetBainHasmashosRT2Stars() public method

This method returns bain hashmashos of Rabainu Tam calculated in the opinion of the Divray Yosef (see Yisrael Vehazmanim) calculated 5/18th (27.77%) of the time between alos (calculated as 19.8° before sunrise) and sunrise. This is added to sunset to arrive at the time for bain hashmashos of Rabainu Tam).
public GetBainHasmashosRT2Stars ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetBainHasmashosRT58Point5Minutes() public method

This method returns Bain Hashmashos of Rabainu Tam calculated as a 58.5 minute offset after sunset. Bain hashmashos is 3/4 of a mil before tzais or 3 1/4 mil after sunset. With a mil calculated as 18 minutes, 3.25 * 18 = 58.5 minutes.
public GetBainHasmashosRT58Point5Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetFixedLocalChatzos() public method

A method that returns the local time for fixed chatzos. This time is noon and midnight adjusted from standard time to account for the local latitude. The 360° of the globe divided by 24 calculates to 15° per hour with 4 minutes per degree, so at a longitude of 0 , 15, 30 etc Chatzos in 12:00 noon. Lakewood, NJ whose longitude is -74.2094 is 0.7906 away from the closest multiple of 15 at -75°. This is multiplied by 4 to yeild 3 minutes and 10 seconds for a chatzos of 11:56:50. This method is not tied to the theoretical 15° timezones, but will adjust to the actual timezone and Daylight saving time.
public GetFixedLocalChatzos ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetHashCode() public method

Returns a hash code for this instance.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

GetMinchaGedola16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of mincha gedola according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting and ending 16.1° below the horizon. This is the earliest time to pray mincha. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 6.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 6.5 * GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after alos.
public GetMinchaGedola16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaGedola30Minutes() public method

This method returns mincha gedola calculated as 30 minutes after chatzos and not 1/2 of a shaah zmanis after chatzos as calculated by ZmanimCalendar.GetMinchaGedola. Some use this time to delay the start of mincha in the winter when 1/2 of a shaah zmanis is less than 30 minutes. See GetMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30()for a conveniance method that returns the later of the 2 calculations. One should not use this time to start mincha before the standard mincha gedola. See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim Siman Raish Lamed Gimel seif alef and the Shaar Hatziyon seif katan ches.
public GetMinchaGedola30Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaGedola72Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of mincha gedola according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting 72 minutes before sunrise and ending 72 minutes after sunset. This is the earliest time to pray mincha. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 6.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 6.5 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after alos.
public GetMinchaGedola72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaGedolaAteretTorah() public method

This method returns the time of mincha gedola based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 6.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 6.5 * GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah() after alos.
public GetMinchaGedolaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30() public method

This is a conveniance methd that returns the later of ZmanimCalendar.GetMinchaGedola and GetMinchaGedola30Minutes(). In the winter when a shaah zmanis is less than 30 minutes GetMinchaGedola30Minutes() will be returned, otherwise ZmanimCalendar.GetMinchaGedola will be returned.
public GetMinchaGedolaGreaterThan30 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaKetana16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of mincha ketana according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting and ending 16.1° below the horizon. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 9.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 9.5 * GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after alos.
public GetMinchaKetana16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaKetana72Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of mincha ketana according to the Magen Avraham with the day starting 72 minutes before sunrise and ending 72 minutes after sunset. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 9.5 GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after alos. The calculation used is 9.5 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after alos.
public GetMinchaKetana72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMinchaKetanaAteretTorah() public method

This method returns the time of mincha ketana based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. This is the perfered earliest time to pray mincha in the opinion of the Ramba"m and others. For more information on this see the documentation on mincha gedola. This is calculated as 9.5 solar hours after alos. The calculation used is 9.5 * GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah() after alos.
public GetMinchaKetanaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMisheyakir10Point2Degrees() public method

This method returns misheyakir based on the position of the sun when it is 10.2° below geometric zenith (90°). This calculation is used for calculating misheyakir according to some opinions. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 45 minutes before sunrise in Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 10.2° below geometric zenith
public GetMisheyakir10Point2Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMisheyakir11Degrees() public method

This method returns misheyakir based on the position of the sun when it is 11° below geometric zenith (90°). This calculation is used for calculating misheyakir according to some opinions. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 48 minutes before sunrisein Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 11° below geometric zenith
public GetMisheyakir11Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetMisheyakir11Point5Degrees() public method

This method returns misheyakir based on the position of the sun when it is 11.5° below geometric zenith (90°). This calculation is used for calculating misheyakir according to some opinions. This calculation is based on the position of the sun 52 minutes before sunrisein Jerusalem in the equinox which calculates to 11.5° below geometric zenith
public GetMisheyakir11Point5Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at tzais. 10.75 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 10.75 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after dawn based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a dawn of 16.1 degrees before sunrise to tzais . This returns the time of 10.75 * the calculated shaah zmanis after dawn.
public GetPlagAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagAlosToSunset() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at sunset. 10.75 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 10.75 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after dawn based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a dawn of 16.1 degrees before sunrise to sea level sunset . This returns the time of 10.75 * the calculated shaah zmanis after dawn.
public GetPlagAlosToSunset ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha120Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() after GetAlos120().
public GetPlagHamincha120Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha120MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis120MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetPlagHamincha120MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at tzais 16.1°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after GetAlos16Point1Degrees().
public GetPlagHamincha16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha18Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 18° and ends at tzais 18°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() after GetAlos18Degrees().
public GetPlagHamincha18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha19Point8Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 19.8° and ends at tzais 19.8°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() after GetAlos19Point8Degrees().
public GetPlagHamincha19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha26Degrees() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 26° and ends at tzais 26°. This is calculated as 10.75 hours zmaniyos after dawn. The formula is
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis26Degrees() after GetAlos26Degrees().
public GetPlagHamincha26Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha60Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis60Minutes() after .
public GetPlagHamincha60Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha72Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after ZmanimCalendar.GetAlos72.
public GetPlagHamincha72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha72MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetPlagHamincha72MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha90Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() after GetAlos90().
public GetPlagHamincha90Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha90MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetPlagHamincha90MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha96Minutes() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() after GetAlos96().
public GetPlagHamincha96Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHamincha96MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha. This is calculated as 10.75 hours after dawn. The formula used is:
10.75 * GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetPlagHamincha96MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetPlagHaminchaAteretTorah() public method

This method returns the time of plag hamincha based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 10.75 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after dawn.
public GetPlagHaminchaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 120 minutes. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 120 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 120 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis120Minutes ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis120MinutesZmanis() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 120 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 120 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 120 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/6th of the day from sunrise to sunset.
public GetShaahZmanis120MinutesZmanis ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 16.1°. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 16.1° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise and dusk is when the sun is 16.1° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a 18° dip. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 18° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. Dusk for this is when the sun is 18° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis18Degrees ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a 19.8° dip. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 19.8° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. Dusk for this is when the sun is 19.8° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis26Degrees() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 26°. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is when the sun is 26° below the eastern geometric horizon before sunrise. Dusk for this is when the sun is 26° below the western geometric horizon after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis26Degrees ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis60Minutes() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (solar hour) according to the opinion of the MGA. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 60 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 60 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. Alternate mothods of calculating a shaah zmanis are available in the subclass ComplexZmanimCalendar
public GetShaahZmanis60Minutes ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (solar hour) according to the opinion of the MGA. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 72 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 72 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. Alternate mothods of calculating a shaah zmanis are available in the subclass ComplexZmanimCalendar
public GetShaahZmanis72Minutes ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 72 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/10th of the day from sunrise to sunset.
public GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 90 minutes. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 90 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 90 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis90Minutes ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 90 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/8th of the day from sunrise to sunset.
public GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) calculated using a dip of 96 minutes. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 96 minutes before sunrise and dusk is 96 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis.
public GetShaahZmanis96Minutes ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This calculation divides the day based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise and dusk is 96 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. This is identical to 1/7.5th of the day from sunrise to sunset.
public GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis ( ) : long
return long

GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah() public method

Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah calculated with alos being 1/10th of sunrise to sunset day, or 72 minutes zmaniyos of such a day before sunrise, and tzais is usually calculated as 40 minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part being a shaah zmanis. Note that with this system, chatzos (mid-day) will not be the point that the sun is halfway across the sky.
public GetShaahZmanisAteretTorah ( ) : long
return long

GetSofZmanAchilasChametzMGA16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest time one is allowed eating chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos16Point1Degrees() 16.1° before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 4 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn.
public GetSofZmanAchilasChametzMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanAchilasChametzMGA72Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest time one is allowed eating chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos72() 72 minutes before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is identical to the GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72Minutes() Sof zman tefilah MGA 72 minutes. This time is 4 GetShaahZmanisMGA() shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after GetAlos72() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from a GetAlos72() dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to GetTzais72() nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanisMGA() after GetAlos72() dawn.
public GetSofZmanAchilasChametzMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanBiurChametzGRA() public method

This method returns the latest time for burning chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya. This time is 5 hours into the day based on the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya that the day is calculated from sunrise to sunset. This returns the time 5 * GetShaahZmanisGra() after GetSeaLevelSunrise() sea level sunrise.
public GetSofZmanBiurChametzGRA ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanBiurChametzMGA16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest time for burning chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos16Point1Degrees() 16.1° before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 5 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 5 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after GetAlos16Point1Degrees() dawn.
public GetSofZmanBiurChametzMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanBiurChametzMGA72Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest time for burning chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos72() 72 minutes before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 5 GetShaahZmanisMGA() shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after {@link #getAlos72() dawn} based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from a GetAlos72() dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to GetTzais72() nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 5 * GetShaahZmanisMGA after GetAlos72() dawn.
public GetSofZmanBiurChametzMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShma3HoursBeforeChatzos() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) calculated as 3 hours (regular and not zmaniyos) before ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos. This is the opinion of the Shach in the Nekudas Hakesef (Yora Deah 184), Shevus Yaakov, Chasan Sofer and others.This returns the time of 3 hours before ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos.
public GetSofZmanShma3HoursBeforeChatzos ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaAlos16Point1ToSunset() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at sea level sunset. 3 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alosto reach this time. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a alos 16.1° to sea level sunset.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.
public GetSofZmanShmaAlos16Point1ToSunset ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) based on the opinion that the day starts at alos 16.1° and ends at tzais 7.083°. 3 shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after alos 16.1° based on the opinion that the day is calculated from a alos 16.1° to tzais 7.083°.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.
public GetSofZmanShmaAlos16Point1ToTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaAteretTorah() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset . shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after alos 72 zmaniyos.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.
public GetSofZmanShmaAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaFixedLocal() public method

A method that returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) calculated as 3 hours before GetFixedLocalChatzos().
public GetSofZmanShmaFixedLocal ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA120Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 120 minutes or 1/6th of the day before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 120 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 120 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA120Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 16.1° before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 3 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA18Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to recite Shema in the morning) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos18Degrees() 18° before GetSunrise() sunrise. This time is 3 GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 18° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA19Point8Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 19.8° before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 19.8° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 3 GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA72Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after dawn. This class returns an identical time to ZmanimCalendar.GetSofZmanShmaMGA and is repeated here for clarity.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA72MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes zmaniyos, or 1/10th of the day before sunrise . This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes zmaniyos, or 1/10th of the day before sea level sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes zmaniyos after sea level sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA72MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA90Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA90Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA90MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() after dawn .
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA90MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA96Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA96Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanShmaMGA96MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the latest zman krias shema (time to say Shema in the morning) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 3 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 3 * GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanShmaMGA96MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfila2HoursBeforeChatzos() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) calculated as 2 hours befor ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos. This is based on the opinions that calculate sof zman krias shema as GetSofZmanShma3HoursBeforeChatzos(). This returns the time of 2 hours before ZmanimCalendar.GetChatzos.
public GetSofZmanTfila2HoursBeforeChatzos ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaFixedLocal() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) calculated as 2 hours before GetFixedLocalChatzos().
public GetSofZmanTfilaFixedLocal ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA120Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 120 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 120 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 120 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis120Minutes() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA120Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA16Point1Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 16.1° before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 16.1° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 GetShaahZmanis16Point1Degrees() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA19Point8Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 19.8° before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 19.8° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 GetShaahZmanis19Point8Degrees() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis72Minutes() after dawn. This class returns an identical time to ZmanimCalendar.GetSofZmanTfilaMGA and is repeated here for clarity.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 72 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 72 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis72MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA72MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA90Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis90Minutes() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA90Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA90MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 90 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 90 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis90MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA90MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA96Minutes() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis96Minutes() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA96Minutes ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilaMGA96MinutesZmanis() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to the morning prayers) in the opinion of the MG"A based on alos being 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after dawn based on the opinion of the MG"A that the day is calculated from a dawn of 96 minutes zmaniyos before sunrise to nightfall of 96 minutes zmaniyos after sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis96MinutesZmanis() after dawn.
public GetSofZmanTfilaMGA96MinutesZmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetSofZmanTfilahAteretTorah() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to say the morning prayers) based on the calculation of Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah, that the day starts 1/10th of the day before sunrise and and is usually calculated as ending 40 minutes after sunset. shaos zmaniyos are calculated based on this day and added to alos to reach this time. This time is 4 shaos zmaniyos (temporal hours) after alos 72 zmaniyos.
Note: Based on this calculation chatzos will not be at midday.
public GetSofZmanTfilahAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais120() public method

This method returns tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Magen Avraham that the time to walk the distance of a Mil in the Ramba"ms opinion is 2/5 of an hour (24 minutes) for a total of 120 minutes based on the opinion of Ula who calculated tzais as 5 Mil after sea level shkiah (sunset). A similar calculation GetTzais26Degrees() uses temporal calculations based on this time.
public GetTzais120 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais120Zmanis() public method

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated using 120 minutes zmaniyos (GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) after sea level sunset.
public GetTzais120Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais16Point1Degrees() public method

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos16Point1Degrees()
public GetTzais16Point1Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais18Degrees() public method

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos18Degrees()
public GetTzais18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais19Point8Degrees() public method

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos19Point8Degrees()
public GetTzais19Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais26Degrees() public method

For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos26Degrees()
public GetTzais26Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais60() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Chavas Yair and Divray Malkiel that the time to walk the distance of a Mil is 15 minutes for a total of 60 minutes for 4 mil after sea level sunset.
public GetTzais60 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais72Zmanis() public method

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated as 72 minutes zmaniyos, or 1/10th of the day after sea level sunset.
public GetTzais72Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais90() public method

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated as 90 minutes after sea level sunset. This method returns tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Magen Avraham that the time to walk the distance of a Mil in the Ramba"m's opinion is 18 minutes for a total of 90 minutes based on the opinion of Ula who calculated tzais as 5 Mil after sea level shkiah (sunset). A similar calculation GetTzais19Point8Degrees()uses solar position calculations based on this time.
public GetTzais90 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais90Zmanis() public method

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated using 90 minutes zmaniyos (GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) after sea level sunset.
public GetTzais90Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais96() public method

A method to return tzais (dusk) calculated as 96 minutes after sea level sunset. For information on how this is calculated see the comments on GetAlos96().
public GetTzais96 ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzais96Zmanis() public method

Method to return tzais (dusk) calculated using 96 minutes zmaniyos (GR"A and the Baal Hatanya) after sea level sunset.
public GetTzais96Zmanis ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisAteretTorah() public method

This method returns tzais usually calculated as 40 minutes after sunset. Please note that Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful of Yeshivat Ateret Torah who uses this time, does so only for calculating various other zmanai hayom such as Sof Zman Krias Shema and Plag Hamincha. His calendars do not publish a zman for Tzais. It should also be noted that Chacham Harari-Raful provided a 25 minute zman for Israel. This API uses 40 minutes year round in any place on the globe by default. This offset can be changed by calling AteretTorahSunsetOffset.
public GetTzaisAteretTorah ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim3Point65Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated calculated as 3/4 of a Mil based on an 18 minute Mil, or 13.5 minutes. It is the sun's position at 3.65° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.
public GetTzaisGeonim3Point65Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim3Point676Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil based on an 18 minute Mil, or 13.5 minutes. It is the sun's position at ZENITH_3_POINT_676 3.676° below the western horizon based on the calculations of Stanley Fishkind. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.
public GetTzaisGeonim3Point676Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim4Point37Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil, based on a 22.5 minute Mil, or 16 7/8 minutes. It is the sun's position at 4.37° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.
public GetTzaisGeonim4Point37Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim4Point61Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil based on a 24 minute Mil, or 18 minutes. It is the sun's position at 4.61° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.
public GetTzaisGeonim4Point61Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim4Point8Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil. It is the sun's position at 4.8° below the western horizon based on Rabbi Leo Levi's calculations. (FIXME: additional documentation needed) This is the This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.
public GetTzaisGeonim4Point8Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim5Point88Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated as 3/4 of a Mil. It is based on the Baal Hatanya based on a Mil being 24 minutes, and is calculated as 18 +2 + 4 for a total of 24 minutes (FIXME: additional details needed). It is the sun's position at 5.88° below the western horizon. This is a very early zman and should not be relied on without Rabbinical guidance.
public GetTzaisGeonim5Point88Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim5Point95Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 5.95° below the western horizon. This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 5.95° below the western horizon.
public GetTzaisGeonim5Point95Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 7.083° below the western horizon.
public GetTzaisGeonim7Point083Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

GetTzaisGeonim8Point5Degrees() public method

This method returns the tzais (nightfall) based on the opinion of the Geonim calculated at the sun's position at 8.5° below the western horizon.
public GetTzaisGeonim8Point5Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

etSofZmanTfilaMGA18Degrees() public method

This method returns the latest zman tfila (time to recite the morning prayers) according to the opinion of the MGA based on alos being GetAlos18Degrees() 18° before {@link #getSunrise() sunrise}. This time is 4 GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() shaos zmaniyos (solar hours) after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn based on the opinion of the MGA that the day is calculated from dawn to nightfall with both being 18° below sunrise or sunset. This returns the time of 4 * GetShaahZmanis18Degrees() after GetAlos18Degrees() dawn.
public etSofZmanTfilaMGA18Degrees ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?

getSofZmanAchilasChametzGRA() public method

This method returns the latest time one is allowed eating chametz on Erev Pesach according to the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya. This time is identical to the {@link #getSofZmanTfilaGRA() Sof zman tefilah GRA}. This time is 4 hours into the day based on the opinion of the GRA and the Baal Hatanya that the day is calculated from sunrise to sunset. This returns the time 4 * GetShaahZmanisGra() after GetSeaLevelSunrise() sea level sunrise.
public getSofZmanAchilasChametzGRA ( ) : DateTime?
return DateTime?