C# Class Zetbox.Generator.Templates.TypeBase

The basic structural template for all complex types.
Mostra file Open project: daszat/zetbox

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
DataType DataType
ctx IZetboxContext

Public Methods

Method Description
Call ( Arebis _host, IZetboxContext ctx, DataType DataType ) : void
Generate ( ) : void
TypeBase ( Arebis _host, IZetboxContext ctx, DataType DataType ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
ApplyApplyChangesFromMethod ( ) : void

is called to apply a optional ApplyChangesFrom override

ApplyAttachToContextMethod ( ) : void
ApplyCalculatedProperty ( CalculatedObjectReferenceProperty prop, Serialization serList ) : void
ApplyCalculatedPropertyTemplate ( CalculatedObjectReferenceProperty prop ) : void
ApplyClassAttributeTemplate ( ) : void

Is called to apply optional decoration in front of the class declaration, like Attributes.

ApplyClassHeadTemplate ( ) : void

Is called to apply additional infrastructure to the beginning of the class.

ApplyClassTailTemplate ( ) : void

is called to apply a optional tail part within the class

ApplyCompoundObjectListTemplate ( CompoundObjectProperty prop ) : void
ApplyCompoundObjectPropertyTemplate ( CompoundObjectProperty prop ) : void
ApplyConstructorTemplate ( ) : void

Is called to apply the constructors for this class.

ApplyEnumerationListTemplate ( EnumerationProperty prop ) : void
ApplyEnumerationPropertyTemplate ( EnumerationProperty prop ) : void
ApplyGlobalPreambleTemplate ( ) : void

is called to apply a optional preamble in the global scope

ApplyListChangedEvent ( System.Property p ) : void
ApplyListProperty ( System.Property prop, Serialization serList ) : void
ApplyMethodTemplate ( Method m, int index ) : void
ApplyNamespacePreambleTemplate ( ) : void

is called to apply a optional preamble within the namespace

ApplyNamespaceTailTemplate ( ) : void

is called to apply a optional tail part within the namespace

ApplyNotifyingValueProperty ( System.Property prop, Serialization serList ) : void
ApplyObjectReferenceListTemplate ( ObjectReferenceProperty prop ) : void
ApplyObjectReferencePropertyTemplate ( ObjectReferenceProperty prop ) : void
ApplyOtherListTemplate ( System.Property prop ) : void
ApplyOtherPropertyTemplate ( System.Property prop ) : void
ApplyPropertyEvents ( System.Property p, bool isReadOnly ) : void
ApplyPropertyIsValidEvent ( System.Property p ) : void
ApplyPropertyTemplate ( System.Property p ) : void
ApplySetNewMethod ( ) : void
ApplyValueTypeListTemplate ( ValueTypeProperty prop ) : void
ApplyValueTypePropertyTemplate ( ValueTypeProperty prop ) : void
GetAdditionalImports ( ) : IEnumerable
GetBaseClass ( ) : string
GetClassModifiers ( ) : string
GetExportGuidBackingStoreReference ( ) : string
GetInheritance ( ) : string
GetInterfaces ( ) : string[]
GetTypeName ( ) : string
MethodsToGenerate ( ) : IEnumerable

A list of all methods that should be generated for this datatype. By default these are only the methods defined directly on this datatype.

MungeClassName ( string name ) : string

Method Details

ApplyApplyChangesFromMethod() protected method

is called to apply a optional ApplyChangesFrom override
protected ApplyApplyChangesFromMethod ( ) : void
return void

ApplyAttachToContextMethod() protected method

protected ApplyAttachToContextMethod ( ) : void
return void

ApplyCalculatedProperty() protected method

protected ApplyCalculatedProperty ( CalculatedObjectReferenceProperty prop, Serialization serList ) : void
prop CalculatedObjectReferenceProperty
serList Serialization
return void

ApplyCalculatedPropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyCalculatedPropertyTemplate ( CalculatedObjectReferenceProperty prop ) : void
prop CalculatedObjectReferenceProperty
return void

ApplyClassAttributeTemplate() protected method

Is called to apply optional decoration in front of the class declaration, like Attributes.
protected ApplyClassAttributeTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyClassHeadTemplate() protected method

Is called to apply additional infrastructure to the beginning of the class.
protected ApplyClassHeadTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyClassTailTemplate() protected method

is called to apply a optional tail part within the class
protected ApplyClassTailTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyCompoundObjectListTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyCompoundObjectListTemplate ( CompoundObjectProperty prop ) : void
prop CompoundObjectProperty
return void

ApplyCompoundObjectPropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyCompoundObjectPropertyTemplate ( CompoundObjectProperty prop ) : void
prop CompoundObjectProperty
return void

ApplyConstructorTemplate() protected method

Is called to apply the constructors for this class.
protected ApplyConstructorTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyEnumerationListTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyEnumerationListTemplate ( EnumerationProperty prop ) : void
prop EnumerationProperty
return void

ApplyEnumerationPropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyEnumerationPropertyTemplate ( EnumerationProperty prop ) : void
prop EnumerationProperty
return void

ApplyGlobalPreambleTemplate() protected method

is called to apply a optional preamble in the global scope
protected ApplyGlobalPreambleTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyListChangedEvent() protected method

protected ApplyListChangedEvent ( System.Property p ) : void
p System.Property
return void

ApplyListProperty() protected method

protected ApplyListProperty ( System.Property prop, Serialization serList ) : void
prop System.Property
serList Serialization
return void

ApplyMethodTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyMethodTemplate ( Method m, int index ) : void
m Method
index int
return void

ApplyNamespacePreambleTemplate() protected method

is called to apply a optional preamble within the namespace
protected ApplyNamespacePreambleTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyNamespaceTailTemplate() protected method

is called to apply a optional tail part within the namespace
protected ApplyNamespaceTailTemplate ( ) : void
return void

ApplyNotifyingValueProperty() protected method

protected ApplyNotifyingValueProperty ( System.Property prop, Serialization serList ) : void
prop System.Property
serList Serialization
return void

ApplyObjectReferenceListTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyObjectReferenceListTemplate ( ObjectReferenceProperty prop ) : void
prop ObjectReferenceProperty
return void

ApplyObjectReferencePropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyObjectReferencePropertyTemplate ( ObjectReferenceProperty prop ) : void
prop ObjectReferenceProperty
return void

ApplyOtherListTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyOtherListTemplate ( System.Property prop ) : void
prop System.Property
return void

ApplyOtherPropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyOtherPropertyTemplate ( System.Property prop ) : void
prop System.Property
return void

ApplyPropertyEvents() protected method

protected ApplyPropertyEvents ( System.Property p, bool isReadOnly ) : void
p System.Property
isReadOnly bool
return void

ApplyPropertyIsValidEvent() protected method

protected ApplyPropertyIsValidEvent ( System.Property p ) : void
p System.Property
return void

ApplyPropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyPropertyTemplate ( System.Property p ) : void
p System.Property
return void

ApplySetNewMethod() protected method

protected ApplySetNewMethod ( ) : void
return void

ApplyValueTypeListTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyValueTypeListTemplate ( ValueTypeProperty prop ) : void
prop ValueTypeProperty
return void

ApplyValueTypePropertyTemplate() protected method

protected ApplyValueTypePropertyTemplate ( ValueTypeProperty prop ) : void
prop ValueTypeProperty
return void

Call() public static method

public static Call ( Arebis _host, IZetboxContext ctx, DataType DataType ) : void
_host Arebis
ctx IZetboxContext
DataType DataType
return void

Generate() public method

public Generate ( ) : void
return void

GetAdditionalImports() protected method

protected GetAdditionalImports ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

GetBaseClass() protected method

protected GetBaseClass ( ) : string
return string

GetClassModifiers() protected method

protected GetClassModifiers ( ) : string
return string

GetExportGuidBackingStoreReference() protected method

protected GetExportGuidBackingStoreReference ( ) : string
return string

GetInheritance() protected method

protected GetInheritance ( ) : string
return string

GetInterfaces() protected method

protected GetInterfaces ( ) : string[]
return string[]

GetTypeName() protected method

protected GetTypeName ( ) : string
return string

MethodsToGenerate() protected method

A list of all methods that should be generated for this datatype. By default these are only the methods defined directly on this datatype.
protected MethodsToGenerate ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

MungeClassName() protected method

protected MungeClassName ( string name ) : string
name string
return string

TypeBase() public method

public TypeBase ( Arebis _host, IZetboxContext ctx, DataType DataType ) : System
_host Arebis
ctx IZetboxContext
DataType DataType
return System

Property Details

DataType protected_oe property

protected DataType DataType
return DataType

ctx protected_oe property

protected IZetboxContext ctx
return IZetboxContext