C# Class Zetbox.Client.Presentables.Calendar.CalendarWorkspaceViewModel

Inheritance: Zetbox.Client.Presentables.WindowViewModel, IDeleteCommandParameter, IRefreshCommandListener
Mostra file Open project: daszat/zetbox

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Colors string[]

Private Properties

Property Type Description
IRefreshCommandListener void
_WeekCalender_PropertyChanged void
calendarItem_PropertyChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
CalendarWorkspaceViewModel ( IViewModelDependencies appCtx, IZetboxContext dataCtx, Zetbox.Client.Presentables.ViewModel parent, Func rptFactory ) : System
CanNew ( ) : bool
CanNewReason ( ) : string
CanOpen ( ) : bool
CanOpenReason ( ) : string
ClearAll ( ) : void
Delete ( ) : void
New ( ) : void
New ( System.DateTime selectedDate, bool isAllDay ) : void
Open ( ) : void
Open ( EventViewModel evt ) : void
PrintMonth ( ) : void
PrintSheet ( ) : void
PrintThisWeek ( ) : void
PrintToday ( ) : void
PrintTwoWeeks ( ) : void
SelectAll ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateCommands ( ) : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection
ExtractItem ( Zetbox.App.Calendar cal, CalendarConfigurationList config ) : CalendarConfiguration
GetSavedConfig ( ) : CalendarConfigurationList
Print ( System.DateTime from, System.DateTime to ) : void
SaveConfig ( CalendarConfigurationList config ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
IRefreshCommandListener ( ) : void
_WeekCalender_PropertyChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void
calendarItem_PropertyChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void

Method Details

CalendarWorkspaceViewModel() public method

public CalendarWorkspaceViewModel ( IViewModelDependencies appCtx, IZetboxContext dataCtx, Zetbox.Client.Presentables.ViewModel parent, Func rptFactory ) : System
appCtx IViewModelDependencies
dataCtx IZetboxContext
parent Zetbox.Client.Presentables.ViewModel
rptFactory Func
return System

CanNew() public method

public CanNew ( ) : bool
return bool

CanNewReason() public method

public CanNewReason ( ) : string
return string

CanOpen() public method

public CanOpen ( ) : bool
return bool

CanOpenReason() public method

public CanOpenReason ( ) : string
return string

ClearAll() public method

public ClearAll ( ) : void
return void

CreateCommands() protected method

protected CreateCommands ( ) : System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection
return System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection

Delete() public method

public Delete ( ) : void
return void

ExtractItem() protected method

protected ExtractItem ( Zetbox.App.Calendar cal, CalendarConfigurationList config ) : CalendarConfiguration
cal Zetbox.App.Calendar
config CalendarConfigurationList
return CalendarConfiguration

GetSavedConfig() protected method

protected GetSavedConfig ( ) : CalendarConfigurationList
return CalendarConfigurationList

New() public method

public New ( ) : void
return void

New() public method

public New ( System.DateTime selectedDate, bool isAllDay ) : void
selectedDate System.DateTime
isAllDay bool
return void

Open() public method

public Open ( ) : void
return void

Open() public method

public Open ( EventViewModel evt ) : void
evt EventViewModel
return void

Print() protected method

protected Print ( System.DateTime from, System.DateTime to ) : void
from System.DateTime
to System.DateTime
return void

PrintMonth() public method

public PrintMonth ( ) : void
return void

PrintSheet() public method

public PrintSheet ( ) : void
return void

PrintThisWeek() public method

public PrintThisWeek ( ) : void
return void

PrintToday() public method

public PrintToday ( ) : void
return void

PrintTwoWeeks() public method

public PrintTwoWeeks ( ) : void
return void

SaveConfig() protected method

protected SaveConfig ( CalendarConfigurationList config ) : void
config CalendarConfigurationList
return void

SelectAll() public method

public SelectAll ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Colors public_oe static_oe property

public static string[] Colors
return string[]