C# Class XPTable.Models.ColumnModel

Inheritance: System.ComponentModel.Component
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultHeaderHeight int
MaximumHeaderHeight int
MinimumHeaderHeight int

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Init void
OnColumnPropertyChanged void
ShouldSerializeHeaderHeight bool

Public Methods

Method Description
ColumnAtX ( int xPosition ) : Column

Returns the Column that lies on the specified position

ColumnHeaderRect ( Column column ) : Rectangle

Returns a rectangle that countains the header of the specified column

ColumnHeaderRect ( int index ) : Rectangle

Returns a rectangle that countains the header of the column at the specified index in the ColumnModel

ColumnIndexAtX ( int xPosition ) : int

Returns the index of the Column that lies on the specified position

ColumnModel ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ColumnModel class with default settings

ColumnModel ( Column columns ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Row class with an array of Column objects

ColumnModel ( string columns ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ColumnModel class with an array of strings representing TextColumns

ContainsCellEditor ( string name ) : bool

Gets whether the ColumnModel contains an ICellEditor with the specified name

ContainsCellRenderer ( string name ) : bool

Gets whether the ColumnModel contains an ICellRenderer with the specified name

GetCellEditor ( int column ) : ICellEditor

Gets the ICellEditor for the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel

GetCellEditor ( string name ) : ICellEditor

Returns the ICellEditor that is associated with the specified name

GetCellRenderer ( int column ) : ICellRenderer

Gets the ICellRenderer for the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel

GetCellRenderer ( string name ) : ICellRenderer

Returns the ICellRenderer that is associated with the specified name

NextVisibleColumn ( int index ) : int

Returns the index of the first visible Column that is to the right of the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel

PreviousVisibleColumn ( int index ) : int

Returns the index of the first visible Column that is to the left of the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel

SetCellEditor ( string name, ICellEditor editor ) : void

Associates the specified ICellRenderer with the specified name

SetCellRenderer ( string name, ICellRenderer renderer ) : void

Associates the specified ICellRenderer with the specified name

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ColumnModel and optionally releases the managed resources

OnColumnAdded ( XPTable.Events.ColumnModelEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the ColumnAdded event

OnColumnRemoved ( XPTable.Events.ColumnModelEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the ColumnRemoved event

OnHeaderHeightChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raises the HeaderHeightChanged event

Private Methods

Method Description
Init ( ) : void

Initialise default settings

OnColumnPropertyChanged ( XPTable.Events.ColumnEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the ColumnPropertyChanged event

ShouldSerializeHeaderHeight ( ) : bool

Specifies whether the HeaderHeight property should be serialized at design time

Method Details

ColumnAtX() public method

Returns the Column that lies on the specified position
public ColumnAtX ( int xPosition ) : Column
xPosition int The x-coordinate to check
return Column

ColumnHeaderRect() public method

Returns a rectangle that countains the header of the specified column
public ColumnHeaderRect ( Column column ) : Rectangle
column Column The column
return System.Drawing.Rectangle

ColumnHeaderRect() public method

Returns a rectangle that countains the header of the column at the specified index in the ColumnModel
public ColumnHeaderRect ( int index ) : Rectangle
index int The index of the column
return System.Drawing.Rectangle

ColumnIndexAtX() public method

Returns the index of the Column that lies on the specified position
public ColumnIndexAtX ( int xPosition ) : int
xPosition int The x-coordinate to check
return int

ColumnModel() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ColumnModel class with default settings
public ColumnModel ( ) : System
return System

ColumnModel() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Row class with an array of Column objects
public ColumnModel ( Column columns ) : System
columns Column An array of Cell objects that represent the Columns /// of the ColumnModel
return System

ColumnModel() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ColumnModel class with an array of strings representing TextColumns
public ColumnModel ( string columns ) : System
columns string An array of strings that represent the Columns of /// the ColumnModel
return System

ContainsCellEditor() public method

Gets whether the ColumnModel contains an ICellEditor with the specified name
public ContainsCellEditor ( string name ) : bool
name string The name associated with the ICellEditor
return bool

ContainsCellRenderer() public method

Gets whether the ColumnModel contains an ICellRenderer with the specified name
public ContainsCellRenderer ( string name ) : bool
name string The name associated with the ICellRenderer
return bool

Dispose() protected method

Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ColumnModel and optionally releases the managed resources
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

GetCellEditor() public method

Gets the ICellEditor for the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel
public GetCellEditor ( int column ) : ICellEditor
column int The index of the Column in the ColumnModel for /// which an ICellEditor will be retrieved
return ICellEditor

GetCellEditor() public method

Returns the ICellEditor that is associated with the specified name
public GetCellEditor ( string name ) : ICellEditor
name string The name thst is associated with an ICellEditor
return ICellEditor

GetCellRenderer() public method

Gets the ICellRenderer for the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel
public GetCellRenderer ( int column ) : ICellRenderer
column int The index of the Column in the ColumnModel for /// which an ICellRenderer will be retrieved
return ICellRenderer

GetCellRenderer() public method

Returns the ICellRenderer that is associated with the specified name
public GetCellRenderer ( string name ) : ICellRenderer
name string The name thst is associated with an ICellEditor
return ICellRenderer

NextVisibleColumn() public method

Returns the index of the first visible Column that is to the right of the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel
public NextVisibleColumn ( int index ) : int
index int The index of the Column for which the first /// visible Column that is to the right of the specified Column is to /// be found
return int

OnColumnAdded() protected method

Raises the ColumnAdded event
protected OnColumnAdded ( XPTable.Events.ColumnModelEventArgs e ) : void
e XPTable.Events.ColumnModelEventArgs A ColumnModelEventArgs that contains the event data
return void

OnColumnRemoved() protected method

Raises the ColumnRemoved event
protected OnColumnRemoved ( XPTable.Events.ColumnModelEventArgs e ) : void
e XPTable.Events.ColumnModelEventArgs A ColumnModelEventArgs that contains the event data
return void

OnHeaderHeightChanged() protected method

Raises the HeaderHeightChanged event
protected OnHeaderHeightChanged ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs An EventArgs that contains the event data
return void

PreviousVisibleColumn() public method

Returns the index of the first visible Column that is to the left of the Column at the specified index in the ColumnModel
public PreviousVisibleColumn ( int index ) : int
index int The index of the Column for which the first /// visible Column that is to the left of the specified Column is to /// be found
return int

SetCellEditor() public method

Associates the specified ICellRenderer with the specified name
public SetCellEditor ( string name, ICellEditor editor ) : void
name string The name to be associated with the specified ICellEditor
editor ICellEditor The ICellEditor to be added to the ColumnModel
return void

SetCellRenderer() public method

Associates the specified ICellRenderer with the specified name
public SetCellRenderer ( string name, ICellRenderer renderer ) : void
name string The name to be associated with the specified ICellRenderer
renderer ICellRenderer The ICellRenderer to be added to the ColumnModel
return void

Property Details

DefaultHeaderHeight public_oe static_oe property

The default height of a column header
public static int DefaultHeaderHeight
return int

MaximumHeaderHeight public_oe static_oe property

The maximum height of a column header
public static int MaximumHeaderHeight
return int

MinimumHeaderHeight public_oe static_oe property

The minimum height of a column header
public static int MinimumHeaderHeight
return int