C# Class Wsdot.Gtfs.Contract.GeoJson.Extensions

Provides extension methods.
Mostra file Open project: WSDOT-GIS/GTFS.NET

Public Methods

Method Description
ToFeatureCollection ( this shapes ) : FeatureCollection

Converts an enumeration of Shape objects into a FeatureCollection<T> of ShapeFeature objects.

ToFeatureCollection ( this stops ) : FeatureCollection

Converts a collection of Stop">Stops into a

ToProperties ( this stop ) : StopFeatureProperties

Converts a Stop to StopFeatureProperties.

ToShapeFeature ( Shape>.this shapes ) : ShapeFeature

ToStopFeature ( this stop ) : StopFeature

Converts a Stop into a StopFeature.

Method Details

ToFeatureCollection() public static method

Converts an enumeration of Shape objects into a FeatureCollection<T> of ShapeFeature objects.
public static ToFeatureCollection ( this shapes ) : FeatureCollection
shapes this A list of objects.
return FeatureCollection

ToFeatureCollection() public static method

Converts a collection of Stop">Stops into a
public static ToFeatureCollection ( this stops ) : FeatureCollection
stops this A collection of Stops.
return FeatureCollection

ToProperties() public static method

Converts a Stop to StopFeatureProperties.
public static ToProperties ( this stop ) : StopFeatureProperties
stop this A .
return StopFeatureProperties

ToShapeFeature() public static method

public static ToShapeFeature ( Shape>.this shapes ) : ShapeFeature
shapes Shape>.this A group of keyed with a common .
return ShapeFeature

ToStopFeature() public static method

Converts a Stop into a StopFeature.
public static ToStopFeature ( this stop ) : StopFeature
stop this A .
return StopFeature