C# Class WixSharp.Dir

Defines directory to be installed on target system.

Use this class to define file/directory structure of the deployment solution.

You can use predefined Wix# environment constants for well-known installation locations. They are directly mapped to the corresponding WiX constants:

Wix# - WiX

%WindowsFolder% - [WindowsFolder]

%ProgramFiles% - [ProgramFilesFolder]

%ProgramMenu% - [ProgramMenuFolder]

%AppDataFolder% - [AppDataFolder]

%CommonFilesFolder% - [CommonFilesFolder]

%LocalAppDataFolder% - [LocalAppDataFolder]

%ProgramFiles64Folder% - [ProgramFiles64Folder]

%System64Folder% - [System64Folder]

%SystemFolder% - [SystemFolder]

%TempFolder% - [TempFolder]

%Desktop% - [DesktopFolder]

Inheritance: WixEntity
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
DirFileCollections WixSharp.DirFiles[]
Dirs WixSharp.Dir[]
Feature Feature
FileCollections Files[]
Files File[]
MergeModules WixSharp.Merge[]
ODBCDataSources ODBCDataSource[]
Permissions DirPermission[]
Shortcuts WixSharp.ExeFileShortcut[]

Public Methods

Method Description
AddItems ( WixEntity items ) : void
Dir ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class.

Dir ( Feature feature, string targetPath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters

Dir ( Id id, Feature feature, string targetPath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters.

Dir ( Id id, string targetPath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters

Dir ( string targetPath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters

ToString ( ) : string

Defines the launch Condition, which is to be checked during the installation to determine if the directory should be installed.

Returns the WiX Directory as a string.

Private Methods

Method Description
Dir ( Feature feature, string targetPath, Project project ) : System
GetRootAutoParent ( ) : Dir
HastemsToInstall ( ) : bool
IsAutoParent ( ) : bool
ProcessTargetPath ( string targetPath ) : Dir
ToFlatPathTree ( string path ) : string[]

Method Details

AddItems() public method

public AddItems ( WixEntity items ) : void
items WixEntity
return void

Dir() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class.
public Dir ( ) : System
return System

Dir() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters
public Dir ( Feature feature, string targetPath ) : System
feature Feature the directory should be included in.
targetPath string The name of the directory. Note if the directory is a root installation directory targetPath must /// be specified as a full path. However if the directory is a nested installation directory the name must be a directory name only.
return System

Dir() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters.
public Dir ( Id id, Feature feature, string targetPath ) : System
id Id The explicit to be associated with instance.
feature Feature the directory should be included in.
targetPath string The name of the directory. Note if the directory is a root installation directory targetPath must /// be specified as a full path. However if the directory is a nested installation directory the name must be a directory name only.
return System

Dir() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters
public Dir ( Id id, string targetPath ) : System
id Id The explicit to be associated with instance.
targetPath string The name of the directory. Note if the directory is a root installation directory targetPath must /// be specified as a full path. However if the directory is a nested installation directory the name must be a directory name only.
return System

Dir() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Dir class with properties/fields initialized with specified parameters
public Dir ( string targetPath ) : System
targetPath string The name of the directory. Note if the directory is a root installation directory targetPath must /// be specified as a full path. However if the directory is a nested installation directory the name must be a directory name only.
return System

ToString() public method

Defines the launch Condition, which is to be checked during the installation to determine if the directory should be installed. Returns the WiX Directory as a string.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

DirFileCollections public_oe property

Collection of the DirFiles objects. DirFiles type is used to specify files contained by a specific directory with wildcard character pattern. Files in subdirectories are not included.

DirFiles type is related to but not identical to Files, which defines files of not only a single level directory but all subdirectories as well.

public DirFiles[],WixSharp DirFileCollections
return WixSharp.DirFiles[]

Dirs public_oe property

Collection of the contained nested Dirs (subdirectories).
public Dir[],WixSharp Dirs
return WixSharp.Dir[]

Feature public_oe property

the directory belongs to.
public Feature,WixSharp Feature
return Feature

FileCollections public_oe property

Collection of the Files objects. Files type is used to specify files contained by a specific directory and all subdirectories with wildcard character pattern.

Files type is related to but not identical to DirFiles, which defines only files of a single level directory.

public Files[] FileCollections
return Files[]

Files public_oe property

Collection of the contained Files.
public File[] Files
return File[]

MergeModules public_oe property

Collection of the contained Merge modules.
public Merge[],WixSharp MergeModules
return WixSharp.Merge[]

ODBCDataSources public_oe property

Collection of WiX/MSI ODBCDataSource objects to be created during the installed.
public ODBCDataSource[] ODBCDataSources
return ODBCDataSource[]

Permissions public_oe property

Collection of directory permissions to be applied to this directory.
public DirPermission[] Permissions
return DirPermission[]

Shortcuts public_oe property

Collection of the contained ExeFileShortcuts.
public ExeFileShortcut[],WixSharp Shortcuts
return WixSharp.ExeFileShortcut[]