C# Class WinRTXamlToolkit.Automation.Peers.CalendarAutomationPeer

Exposes T:WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.Calendar types to UI automation.
Inheritance: Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.FrameworkElementAutomationPeer, IGridProvider, IMultipleViewProvider, ISelectionProvider, ITableProvider
Mostra file Open project: xyzzer/WinRTXamlToolkit

Private Properties

Property Type Description
IGridProvider IRawElementProviderSimple
IMultipleViewProvider int[]
IMultipleViewProvider string
IMultipleViewProvider void
ISelectionProvider IRawElementProviderSimple[]
ITableProvider IRawElementProviderSimple[]
RaiseDayButtonSelectionEvent void
RaiseSelectionEvents void

Public Methods

Method Description
CalendarAutomationPeer ( Calendar owner ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the T:WinRTXamlToolkit.Automation.Peers.CalendarAutomationPeer class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetAutomationControlTypeCore ( ) : AutomationControlType

Returns the control type for the Calendar that is associated with this CalendarAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetAutomationControlType.

GetClassNameCore ( ) : string

Returns the name of the UIElement that is associated with this FrameworkElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetClassName.

GetNameCore ( ) : string

Returns the text label of the Calendar that is associated with this CalendarAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetName.

GetPatternCore ( PatternInterface patternInterface ) : object

Gets the control pattern for this T:WinRTXamlToolkit.Automation.Peers.CalendarAutomationPeer.

Private Methods

Method Description
IGridProvider ( int row, int column ) : IRawElementProviderSimple

Retrieves the UI automation provider for the specified cell.

Grid coordinates are zero-based. The upper-left cell (or upper-right cell, depending on locale) has coordinates (0,0).

If a cell is empty, a UI Automation provider must still be returned in order to support the ContainingGrid property for that cell. This is possible when the layout of child elements in the grid is similar to a ragged array.

Hidden rows and columns can be loaded in the tree, depending on the provider implementation. Therefore, they will be reflected in the RowCount and ColumnCount properties. If the hidden rows and columns have not yet been loaded, they should not be counted.

IMultipleViewProvider ( ) : int[]

Retrieves a collection of control-specific view identifiers.

The collection of view identifiers must be identical across instances. View identifier values can be passed to GetViewName.

IMultipleViewProvider ( int viewId ) : string

Retrieves the name of a control-specific view.

View identifiers can be retrieved by using GetSupportedViews. The collection of view identifiers must be identical across instances. View names must be suitable for use in text-to-speech, Braille, and other accessible applications.

IMultipleViewProvider ( int viewId ) : void

Sets the current control-specific view.

View identifiers can be retrieved by using GetSupportedViews.

ISelectionProvider ( ) : IRawElementProviderSimple[]

Retrieves a UI automation provider for each child element that is selected.

ITableProvider ( ) : IRawElementProviderSimple[]

Gets a collection of UI automation providers that represents all the column headers in a table.

RaiseDayButtonSelectionEvent ( Calendar calendar, System.DateTime date, AutomationEvents eventToRaise ) : void

Raise an automation peer event for the selection of a day button.

RaiseSelectionEvents ( SelectionChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Raise selection AutomationEvents when the Calendar's SelectedDates collection changes.

Method Details

CalendarAutomationPeer() public method

Initializes a new instance of the T:WinRTXamlToolkit.Automation.Peers.CalendarAutomationPeer class.
public CalendarAutomationPeer ( Calendar owner ) : System
owner WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.Calendar /// The instance to /// associate with the /// . ///
return System

GetAutomationControlTypeCore() protected method

Returns the control type for the Calendar that is associated with this CalendarAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetAutomationControlType.
protected GetAutomationControlTypeCore ( ) : AutomationControlType
return AutomationControlType

GetClassNameCore() protected method

Returns the name of the UIElement that is associated with this FrameworkElementAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetClassName.
protected GetClassNameCore ( ) : string
return string

GetNameCore() protected method

Returns the text label of the Calendar that is associated with this CalendarAutomationPeer. This method is called by GetName.
protected GetNameCore ( ) : string
return string

GetPatternCore() protected method

Gets the control pattern for this T:WinRTXamlToolkit.Automation.Peers.CalendarAutomationPeer.
protected GetPatternCore ( PatternInterface patternInterface ) : object
patternInterface PatternInterface /// One of the enumeration values. ///
return object