C# Class WPFLocalizeExtension.Engine.WeakOddsFormatChangedEventManager

This in line class is used to handle weak events to avoid memory leaks.
Inheritance: System.Windows.WeakEventManager
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddListener void
Instance_OnCultureChanged void
Instance_OnOddsFormatChanged void
RemoveListener void
StartListening void
StartStopListening void
StopListening void
WeakOddsFormatChangedEventManager System

Private Methods

Method Description
AddListener ( IWeakEventListener listener ) : void

Adds an listener to the inner list of listeners.

Instance_OnCultureChanged ( ) : void

This method is called if the LocalizeDictionary.OnCultureChanged is called and the listening process is enabled.

Instance_OnOddsFormatChanged ( ) : void

This method is called if the OddsFormatManager.OnOddsFormatChanged is called and the listening process is enabled.

RemoveListener ( IWeakEventListener listener ) : void

Removes an listener from the inner list of listeners.

StartListening ( object source ) : void
StartStopListening ( ) : void
StopListening ( object source ) : void
WeakOddsFormatChangedEventManager ( ) : System

Prevents a default instance of the WeakOddsFormatChangedEventManager class from being created.