C# Class VW.Serializer.AnnotationJsonInspector

Utility class analyzing compile-time JsonPropertyAttribute annotation.
Mostra file Open project: NativoPlatform/vowpal_wabbit Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateSchema ( Type type, PropertyConfiguration propertyConfiguration ) : Schema

Extracts VW features from given type based on JSON.NET annotation. Basic structure: { _label: { ... }, // SimpleLabel or ContextualBanditLabel ns1: { // Complex types denote namespaces. Property name becomes namespace name. feature1: 5, // Primitive types denote features ... }, ns2 : { ... }, // another namespace feature2: true // Top-level primitive property becomes feature in default namespace. }

GetMemberSerialiation ( Type type ) : MemberSerialization

Extract the JSON.NET MemberSerialization from the type. Defaults to MemberSerialization.OptOut.

MemberSerialization.Fields is not supported.

IsFeatureTypeSupported ( Type type ) : bool
IsNumericType ( Type type ) : bool