C# Class Utilities.ORM.Manager.QueryProvider.Default.DatabaseBatch

Database batch class
Inheritance: IBatch
Mostra file Open project: JaCraig/Craig-s-Utility-Library

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCommand ( Action CallBack, object Object, CommandType CommandType, string Command ) : IBatch

Adds a command to be batched

AddCommand ( Action CallBack, object Object, string Command, CommandType CommandType ) : IBatch

Adds a command to be batched

AddCommand ( IBatch Batch ) : IBatch

Adds a batch's commands to the current batch

DatabaseBatch ( ISourceInfo Source ) : System


Execute ( ) : IList>

Executes the commands and returns the results

RemoveDuplicateCommands ( ) : IBatch

Removes duplicate commands from the batch

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the batch to a string

Private Methods

Method Description
ExecuteCommands ( ) : IList>
GetValues ( System.Data.Common.DbDataReader TempReader ) : IList

Method Details

AddCommand() public method

Adds a command to be batched
public AddCommand ( Action CallBack, object Object, CommandType CommandType, string Command ) : IBatch
CallBack Action Callback action
Object object Object used in the callback action
CommandType CommandType Command type
Command string Command (SQL or stored procedure) to run
return IBatch

AddCommand() public method

Adds a command to be batched
public AddCommand ( Action CallBack, object Object, string Command, CommandType CommandType ) : IBatch
CallBack Action Callback action
Object object Object used in the callback action
Command string Command (SQL or stored procedure) to run
CommandType CommandType Command type
return IBatch

AddCommand() public method

Adds a batch's commands to the current batch
public AddCommand ( IBatch Batch ) : IBatch
Batch IBatch Batch to add
return IBatch

DatabaseBatch() public method

public DatabaseBatch ( ISourceInfo Source ) : System
Source ISourceInfo Source info
return System

Execute() public method

Executes the commands and returns the results
public Execute ( ) : IList>
return IList>

RemoveDuplicateCommands() public method

Removes duplicate commands from the batch
public RemoveDuplicateCommands ( ) : IBatch
return IBatch

ToString() public method

Converts the batch to a string
public ToString ( ) : string
return string