C# Class TuxedoBerries.ScenePanel.Drawers.SceneHistoryDrawer

Scene history drawer. Draws the history of the scenes opened.
Inheritance: BaseDrawer
Mostra file Open project: TuxedoBerries/ScenePanel Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ClearHistory ( ) : void
DrawHistory ( ) : void

Draws the history.

RestoreFromPlay ( ) : void

Restores from play.

SceneHistoryDrawer ( ) : TuxedoBerries.ScenePanel.Constants
UpdateCurrentHistory ( ) : void

Updates the current history.

Private Methods

Method Description
BackButtonAction ( ) : void
ForwardButtonAction ( ) : void
GetColor ( bool enabled ) : Color
GetTexture ( string path ) : Texture
GoToFuture ( ) : void
GoToPast ( ) : void

Method Details

ClearHistory() public method

public ClearHistory ( ) : void
return void

DrawHistory() public method

Draws the history.
public DrawHistory ( ) : void
return void

RestoreFromPlay() public method

Restores from play.
public RestoreFromPlay ( ) : void
return void

SceneHistoryDrawer() public method

public SceneHistoryDrawer ( ) : TuxedoBerries.ScenePanel.Constants
return TuxedoBerries.ScenePanel.Constants

UpdateCurrentHistory() public method

Updates the current history.
public UpdateCurrentHistory ( ) : void
return void