C# Class TradeMe.Api.Client.FixedPriceOfferMethods

The MyTradeMeMethods class contains the methods requried for making calls to the API related to My TradeMe.
Mostra file Open project: TradeMe/trade-me-api-wrapper Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
FixedPriceOfferMethods ( ConnectionMethods connect ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the FixedPriceOfferMethods class.

FixedPriceOffers ( string query ) : FixedPriceOffers

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Retrieves a list of the outstanding fixed price offers that have been offered to the currently authenticated user. GET

using the "query" string provided - should be the "MyTradeMe/FixedPriceOffers.xml" part of the url. It shouldn't include "http://api.trademe.co.nz/v1/".


FixedPriceOffersByMember ( ) : FixedPriceOffers

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Retrieve the fixed price offers offered by a member. GET

Creates a query string and performs the request.


FixedPriceOffersToMember ( ) : FixedPriceOffers

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Retrieves a list of the outstanding fixed price offers that have been offered to the currently authenticated user. GET

Creates a query string and performs the request.


MakeFixedPriceOffer ( FixedPriceOfferToMembersRequest request ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Makes a fixed price offer for an auction to the specified members. POST


RespondToFixedPriceOffer ( FixedPriceOfferRequest request ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Accepts or rejects a fixed price offer. POST


RetrieveListOfMembersForFixedPriceOffer ( string listingId, string filter ) : FixedPriceOfferMembersResponse

Performs the Fixed Price Offer method: Returns a list of members you can make a fixed price offer to for a particular auction. GET


WithdrawFixedPriceOffer ( FixedPriceOfferWithdrawalRequest request ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Withdraws an offer that is current and not expired, accepted or rejected by all users. POST


Method Details

FixedPriceOfferMethods() public method

Initializes a new instance of the FixedPriceOfferMethods class.
public FixedPriceOfferMethods ( ConnectionMethods connect ) : System
connect ConnectionMethods A ConnectionMethods class used to make calls to the API
return System

FixedPriceOffers() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Retrieves a list of the outstanding fixed price offers that have been offered to the currently authenticated user. GET

using the "query" string provided - should be the "MyTradeMe/FixedPriceOffers.xml" part of the url. It shouldn't include "http://api.trademe.co.nz/v1/".

public FixedPriceOffers ( string query ) : FixedPriceOffers
query string The query string that will be added to the base url and used to connect to the API.
return FixedPriceOffers

FixedPriceOffersByMember() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Retrieve the fixed price offers offered by a member. GET

Creates a query string and performs the request.

public FixedPriceOffersByMember ( ) : FixedPriceOffers
return FixedPriceOffers

FixedPriceOffersToMember() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Retrieves a list of the outstanding fixed price offers that have been offered to the currently authenticated user. GET

Creates a query string and performs the request.

public FixedPriceOffersToMember ( ) : FixedPriceOffers
return FixedPriceOffers

MakeFixedPriceOffer() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Makes a fixed price offer for an auction to the specified members. POST

public MakeFixedPriceOffer ( FixedPriceOfferToMembersRequest request ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
request FixedPriceOfferToMembersRequest The object that will be serialized into xml and then sent in a POST message.
return System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

RespondToFixedPriceOffer() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Accepts or rejects a fixed price offer. POST

public RespondToFixedPriceOffer ( FixedPriceOfferRequest request ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
request FixedPriceOfferRequest The object that will be serialized into xml and then sent in a POST message.
return System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

RetrieveListOfMembersForFixedPriceOffer() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer method: Returns a list of members you can make a fixed price offer to for a particular auction. GET

public RetrieveListOfMembersForFixedPriceOffer ( string listingId, string filter ) : FixedPriceOfferMembersResponse
listingId string The listing ID of the auction you wish to make a fixed price offer for. The listing must be closed.
filter string Filters the returned list to a subset of possible members /// (“All”, “Bidders” – only return bidders, “Watchers” – only return watchers).
return FixedPriceOfferMembersResponse

WithdrawFixedPriceOffer() public method

Performs the Fixed Price Offer Method: Withdraws an offer that is current and not expired, accepted or rejected by all users. POST

public WithdrawFixedPriceOffer ( FixedPriceOfferWithdrawalRequest request ) : System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
request FixedPriceOfferWithdrawalRequest The object that will be serialized into xml and then sent in a POST message.
return System.Xml.Linq.XDocument