C# Class TinkerWorX.SharpCraft.Windows.Kernel32

Mostra file Open project: TinkerWorX/SharpCraft

Public Methods

Method Description
ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32

Read from the memory of a process

ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, UInt32 baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32

Read from the memory of a process

WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32

Write to the memory of a process

WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, UInt32 baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32

Write to the memory of a process

Private Methods

Method Description
AllocConsole ( ) : System.Boolean
AttachConsole ( Int32 processId ) : System.Boolean
CloseHandle ( IntPtr hObject ) : Int32
CopyMemory ( IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, Int32 count ) : void
CreateProcess ( string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, IntPtr lpProcessAttributes, IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, ProcessCreationFlags dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, TinkerWorX.SharpCraft.Windows.STARTUPINFO &lpStartupInfo, TinkerWorX.SharpCraft.Windows.PROCESS_INFORMATION &lpProcessInformation ) : bool
FreeConsole ( ) : System.Boolean
GetCommandLine ( ) : IntPtr
GetCommandLineA ( ) : IntPtr
GetCommandLineW ( ) : IntPtr
GetModuleHandle ( String moduleName ) : IntPtr
GetModuleHandleA ( String moduleName ) : IntPtr
GetModuleHandleW ( String moduleName ) : IntPtr
GetProcAddress ( IntPtr hModule, IntPtr procOrdinal ) : IntPtr
GetProcAddress ( IntPtr hModule, string procName ) : IntPtr
LoadLibrary ( String fileName ) : IntPtr
LoadLibraryA ( String fileName ) : IntPtr
LoadLibraryW ( String fileName ) : IntPtr
OpenProcess ( PROCESS dwDesiredAccess, Int32 bInheritHandle, IntPtr dwProcessId ) : IntPtr
ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size, Int32 AlwaysZero ) : Int32
ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size, IntPtr &lpNumberOfBytesRead ) : Int32
ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, UInt32 baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size, IntPtr &lpNumberOfBytesRead ) : Int32
ResumeThread ( IntPtr hThread ) : uint
SuspendThread ( IntPtr hThread ) : uint
TerminateProcess ( IntPtr dwProcessId, UInt32 dwExitCode ) : Int32
TlsGetValue ( UInt32 dwTlsIndex ) : IntPtr
VirtualAlloc ( IntPtr address, Int32 size, AllocationType allocationType, MemoryProtection protection ) : IntPtr
VirtualFree ( IntPtr address, Int32 size, MemoryFreeType freeType ) : System.Boolean
VirtualProtect ( IntPtr address, Int32 size, UInt32 protect, UInt32 &oldProtect ) : System.Boolean
WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size, Int32 AlwaysZero ) : Int32
WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size, IntPtr &lpNumberOfBytesWritten ) : Int32
WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, UInt32 baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size, IntPtr &lpNumberOfBytesWritten ) : Int32

Method Details

ReadProcessMemory() public static method

Read from the memory of a process
public static ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32
process System.IntPtr Handle to the process
baseAddress System.IntPtr Base of memory area
buffer System.IntPtr Data buffer
size System.Int32 Number of bytes to read
return System.Int32

ReadProcessMemory() public static method

Read from the memory of a process
public static ReadProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, UInt32 baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32
process System.IntPtr Handle to the process
baseAddress System.UInt32 Base of memory area
buffer System.IntPtr Data buffer
size System.Int32 Number of bytes to read
return System.Int32

WriteProcessMemory() public static method

Write to the memory of a process
public static WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, IntPtr baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32
process System.IntPtr Handle to the process
baseAddress System.IntPtr Base of memory area
buffer System.IntPtr Data buffer
size System.Int32 Number of bytes to write
return System.Int32

WriteProcessMemory() public static method

Write to the memory of a process
public static WriteProcessMemory ( IntPtr process, UInt32 baseAddress, IntPtr buffer, Int32 size ) : Int32
process System.IntPtr Handle to the process
baseAddress System.UInt32 Base of memory area
buffer System.IntPtr Data buffer
size System.Int32 Number of bytes to write
return System.Int32