C# Class TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.WMOGroup

Mostra file Open project: WCell/WCell-Terrain Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
BSPNodes List
Batches TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components.RenderBatch[]
DescriptiveName string
DoodadReferences ushort[]
Header GroupHeader
Index int
Indices List
LightReferences ushort[]
LiquidInfo TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components.LiquidInfo
MOBR ushort[]
Name string
Normals List
Root WMORoot
TextureVertices1 Vector2[]
TextureVertices2 Vector2[]
TriangleCount uint
TriangleMaterials TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components.MOPY[]
Triangles List
Version uint
VertexColors1 Color4[]
VertexColors2 Color4[]
VertexCount uint
Vertices List

Public Methods

Method Description
WMOGroup ( WMORoot root, int index ) : System.Collections.Generic


Private Methods

Method Description
DumpBSPNodes ( ) : void

Method Details

WMOGroup() public method

public WMOGroup ( WMORoot root, int index ) : System.Collections.Generic
root WMORoot
index int The index into the WMOs GroupList that refers to this WMOGroup.
return System.Collections.Generic

Property Details

BSPNodes public_oe property

public List BSPNodes
return List

Batches public_oe property

public RenderBatch[],TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components Batches
return TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components.RenderBatch[]

DescriptiveName public_oe property

public string DescriptiveName
return string

DoodadReferences public_oe property

public ushort[] DoodadReferences
return ushort[]

Header public_oe property

public GroupHeader Header
return GroupHeader

Index public_oe property

The index into the WMOs GroupList that refers to this WMOGroup.
public int Index
return int

Indices public_oe property

MOVI - Triangle Indices. Rendering Indices information for the Group.
public List Indices
return List

LightReferences public_oe property

public ushort[] LightReferences
return ushort[]

LiquidInfo public_oe property

public LiquidInfo,TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components LiquidInfo
return TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components.LiquidInfo

MOBR public_oe property

public ushort[] MOBR
return ushort[]

Name public_oe property

public string Name
return string

Normals public_oe property

public List Normals
return List

Root public_oe property

public WMORoot,TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO Root
return WMORoot

TextureVertices1 public_oe property

public Vector2[] TextureVertices1
return Vector2[]

TextureVertices2 public_oe property

public Vector2[] TextureVertices2
return Vector2[]

TriangleCount public_oe property

public uint TriangleCount
return uint

TriangleMaterials public_oe property

Flags that affect the Triangles in this Group.
public MOPY[],TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components TriangleMaterials
return TerrainDisplay.MPQ.WMO.Components.MOPY[]

Triangles public_oe property

A list of the resulting Triangles from this WMOGroup.
public List Triangles
return List

Version public_oe property

public uint Version
return uint

VertexColors1 public_oe property

public Color4[] VertexColors1
return Color4[]

VertexColors2 public_oe property

public Color4[] VertexColors2
return Color4[]

VertexCount public_oe property

public uint VertexCount
return uint

Vertices public_oe property

MOVT - Verticies
public List Vertices
return List