C# Class TShockAPI.ConfigFile

Mostra file Open project: NyxStudios/TShock Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ConfigRead Action

Public Methods

Method Description
DumpDescriptions ( ) : void

Dumps all configuration options to a text file in Markdown format

Read ( Stream stream ) : ConfigFile

Reads the configuration file from a stream

Read ( string path ) : ConfigFile

Reads a configuration file from a given path

Write ( Stream stream ) : void

Writes the configuration to a stream

Write ( string path ) : void

Writes the configuration to a given path

Method Details

DumpDescriptions() public static method

Dumps all configuration options to a text file in Markdown format
public static DumpDescriptions ( ) : void
return void

Read() public static method

Reads the configuration file from a stream
public static Read ( Stream stream ) : ConfigFile
stream Stream stream
return ConfigFile

Read() public static method

Reads a configuration file from a given path
public static Read ( string path ) : ConfigFile
path string string path
return ConfigFile

Write() public method

Writes the configuration to a stream
public Write ( Stream stream ) : void
stream Stream stream
return void

Write() public method

Writes the configuration to a given path
public Write ( string path ) : void
path string string path - Location to put the config file
return void

Property Details

ConfigRead public_oe static_oe property

On config read hook
public static Action ConfigRead
return Action