C# Class Swicli.Library.PrologCLR

Mostra file Open project: swi-to-yap/swicli Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AltSwiHomeDir string
AssmblyXDoics XElement>.Dictionary
BindingFlagsALL BindingFlags
BindingFlagsALL3 BindingFlags
BindingFlagsALLNC BindingFlags
BindingFlagsInstance BindingFlags
BindingFlagsJustStatic BindingFlags
ClientReady bool
CreatorThread System.Thread
ForiegnFrameCounts int>.Dictionary
FreeEngines List
ICASE BindingFlags
InstanceFields BindingFlags
NoTestThreadFActory bool
ONE_STRING System.Type.Type[]
OneToOneEnginesPeThread bool
PrologDelegateHandlers DelegateObjectInProlog>.Dictionary
PrologEventHandlers EventHandlerInProlog>.Dictionary
PrologEventQueue TaskQueueHandler
SafeThreads IntPtr>.Dictionary
SaneThreadWorld bool
ThreadEngines PlMtEngine>.Dictionary
ThreadRegisterations int>.Dictionary
ToFromConvertLock object
UseEnginePool bool
ZERO_TYPES System.Type.Type[]
engineToThread Thread>.Dictionary
threadToEngine int>.Dictionary

Public Methods

Method Description
C ( string collection ) : PlTerm
CallProlog ( object target, string module, string name, int arity, object origin, object paramz, System.Type.Type returnType, bool discard ) : object
CheckEngine ( ) : int
ConsoleTrace ( object s ) : void
Consult ( string filename ) : bool
ConsultIfExists ( string file ) : bool
DeregisterThread ( System.Thread thread ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void

DoQuery ( string query ) : bool
DoQuery ( string m, string f, PlTermV args ) : bool
Eval ( object obj ) : object
ExitThread ( System.Thread thread ) : void
GetDocString ( MemberInfo memberInfo ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
GetDocString ( System.Xml.XmlNode docMembers, MemberInfo info ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
GetInstance ( PlTerm classOrInstance ) : object
GetParameterType ( ParameterInfo paramInfo ) : System.Type.Type
GetPrimitiveType ( String name ) : Type
GetSymbol ( string name ) : object
GetType ( PlTerm clazzSpec ) : Type
GetType ( PlTerm clazzSpec, bool canBeObjects ) : Type
GetTypeThrowIfMissing ( PlTerm clazzSpec ) : Type
GetXmlDocMembers ( Assembly typeAssembly ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
GetXmlDocMembers ( System.Type.Type type ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
GetXmlDocMembers0 ( Assembly typeAssembly ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
InModule ( string s, org o ) : org.jpl7.Term
InitFromUser ( ) : void
Intern ( string varname, object value ) : void
IsByRef ( ParameterInfo paramInfo ) : bool
IsDefined ( string name ) : bool
IsDefined ( string module, string functor, int arity ) : bool
KillPrologThreads ( ) : void
Main ( string args0 ) : void
Main_Was ( string args0 ) : void
PingThreadFactories ( ) : void
PlAssert ( string s ) : void
PlC ( string decl ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
PlC ( string decl, PlTermV termV ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
PlCall ( string s ) : bool
PlCall ( string m, string f, PlTermV args ) : bool
PlNamed ( string name ) : PlTerm
PlSucceedOrFail ( bool p ) : int
PlSucceedOrFailOrError ( int p ) : bool
PrologCLR ( ) : MushDLR223.Utilities
RaiseEvent ( object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn, PlTerm valueOut, EventInfo evi, System.Type.Type c ) : bool
Read ( string line, TextWriter @delegate ) : object
RegisterCurrentThread ( ) : void
RegisterMainThread ( ) : void
RegisterPLCSForeigns ( ) : void
RegisterThread ( System.Thread thread ) : void
RegisterThread121 ( System.Thread thread ) : void
RegisterThread121A ( System.Thread thread ) : void
RegisterThread121Leak ( System.Thread thread ) : void
RegisterThread121T ( System.Thread thread ) : void
RegisterThread12Many ( System.Thread thread ) : void


RegisterThreadOrig ( System.Thread thread ) : void
ResolveJClass ( string name ) : Type
ResolveType1 ( string typeName ) : Type
ResolveType2 ( string typeName ) : Type
ResolveTypeInNameSpaces ( string typeName, bool ignoreCase ) : Type
SetupProlog ( ) : void
SetupProlog0 ( ) : void
SetupProlog1 ( ) : void

This after the SwiPrologDir and IKVMHome is set up will update the environment

SetupProlog2 ( ) : void
StreamRead ( ) : void
ToCSString ( PlTermV termV ) : string
ToProlog ( object value ) : PlTerm
UnifyAtom ( uint TermRef, string s ) : int
UnifyToProlog ( object o, PlTerm term ) : int
UnifyToPrologImmediate ( object o, PlTerm term ) : int
cliCallRawForVar ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramsIn, PlTerm valueOut, System.Type.Type returnTypeHint ) : bool
cliGet0 ( object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, bool &found, BindingFlags icbf ) : object
cliSet0 ( object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn, System.Type.Type c, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : bool
load_swiplcs ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AFlag ( bool tf ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
AFlag ( bool tf, string name ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
AddMemberToList ( MemberInfo info, List list, string cname, int ordinal ) : void
BestMethod ( System.Type.Type paramz, IEnumerable members, System.Type.Type returnType, bool mustStatic ) : MethodBase
CheckBound ( ) : bool
CheckIRet ( int iRet ) : void
ConfirmRCFile ( string swiHomeDir ) : bool
CopyFiles ( DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo destination, bool overwrite, string searchPattern, bool recurse ) : void
CopyFiles ( string source, string destination, bool overwrite, string searchPattern, bool recurse ) : void
DecrementUseCount ( System.Thread thread ) : int
DecrementUseCount ( System.Thread thread, int>.Dictionary registration ) : int
DoQuery ( Query query ) : bool
Do_NOTHING ( ) : void
EnsureEngine ( IntPtr _iEngineNumber ) : void
FooMethod ( String print ) : void
FromEnum ( uint TermRef, object o, Type t ) : int
FunctorTerm ( string functor, int arity ) : PlTerm
GetCurrentEngine ( ) : IntPtr
GetField ( object term, string s ) : object
GetFreeEngine ( ) : IntPtr
GetInstanceAndType ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, object &getInstance, System.Type.Type &c ) : bool
GetMemberFullName ( MemberInfo member ) : string
GetMemberId ( MemberInfo member ) : string
GetMemberName ( PlTerm memberSpec ) : string
GetMemberPrefix ( MemberInfo member ) : char
GetMethod ( System.Type.Type type, string s, BindingFlags flags ) : MethodInfo
GetMyPathExtras ( ) : string
GetParamSpec ( PlTerm memberSpec ) : System.Type.Type[]
GetParamSpec ( PlTerm memberSpec, bool isObjects ) : System.Type.Type[]
GetParamSpec ( PlTerm memberSpec, bool isObjects, int start, int length ) : System.Type.Type[]
GetParamSpecFromObjects ( PlTerm objectList ) : System.Type.Type[]
GetParmeters ( EventInfo ei ) : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[]
GetProgramFilesDir ( ) : string
GetPropsForTypes ( System.Type.Type t ) : List>.KeyValuePair
GetTypeFromInstance ( object instanceMaybe, PlTerm classOrInstance ) : Type

Returns the Type when denoated by a 'namespace.type' (usefull for static instance specification) if a @C#234234 the type of the object unless its a a class c(a) => System.Char "sdfsdf" => System.String uint(5) => System.UInt32 instanceMaybe maybe Null.. it is passed in so the method code doesn't have to call GetInstance again on classOrInstance

GetXmlDocFile ( Assembly assembly ) : FileInfo
GuessReturnType ( PlTerm valueOut, System.Type.Type type ) : System.Type.Type
IncrementUseCount ( System.Thread thread ) : int
IncrementUseCount ( System.Thread thread, int>.Dictionary registration ) : int
IsCompatType ( System.Type.Type consider, System.Type.Type type ) : bool
IsCompatTypes ( System.Type.Type supplied, System.Type.Type required ) : bool
IsOptionalParam ( ParameterInfo info ) : bool
IsUseableSwiProlog ( string swiHomeDir ) : bool
MemberTerm ( MemberInfo info, string cname, int ordinal ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
ModuleCall ( string s ) : bool
ModuleCall0 ( string s, PlTermV termV ) : bool
ModuleTerm ( string module, PlTerm term ) : PlTerm
NeedsToMakeRef ( object al, PlTerm newVar ) : bool
NewPlTermV ( int length ) : PlTermV
OnThreadExit ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ParamsMatch ( System.Type.Type paramz, ParameterInfo paramInfos ) : bool
PlListToCastedArray ( IEnumerable term, ParameterInfo paramInfos, System.Action &todo ) : object[]
PlListToCastedArray ( int skip, IEnumerable term, ParameterInfo paramInfos, System.Action &todo ) : object[]
PrologThreadAtExit ( ) : bool
PrologThreadAtExitGlobal ( ) : bool
RegisterJPLForeigns ( ) : void
RemoveTrailingPathSeps ( string value ) : string
ResolveClass ( string name ) : java.lang.Class
ResolveClassAsType ( string name ) : Type
ResolveType ( string name ) : Type
ResolveType0 ( string name ) : Type
SafelyRun ( System.Action invoker ) : bool
SetField ( object target, string name, object value ) : void
SetupIKVM ( ) : void
SpecialUnify ( PlTerm valueOut, PlTerm plvar ) : bool
Sread ( IntPtr handle, IntPtr buffer, long buffersize ) : long
TestClassLoader ( ) : void
TestEngineViable ( IntPtr ce ) : void
ToBigDecimal ( string value ) : object
ToBigInteger ( string value ) : object
ToEnumer ( java enumeration ) : IEnumerable
ToFLI ( PlTerm args ) : org.jpl7.fli.term_t
ToFLI ( PlTermV args ) : org.jpl7.fli.term_t
ToFLI ( uint hndle ) : org.jpl7.fli.term_t
ToFort ( object o ) : object
ToJPL ( PlTerm o ) : Term
ToJPL ( PlTermV args ) : Term[]
ToPLCS ( Term args ) : PlTerm
ToPLCSV ( PlTerm terms ) : PlTermV
ToPLCSV ( Term terms ) : PlTermV
ToPLCSV1 ( PlTerm a0, PlTerm terms ) : PlTermV
ToPlArray ( PlTerm terms ) : PlTerm
ToPlList ( PlTerm terms ) : PlTerm
ToPlListParams ( ParameterInfo terms ) : PlTerm
ToPlListTypes ( System.Type.Type terms ) : PlTerm
ToPlTermV ( PlTerm terms ) : PlTermV
ToPlTermVParams ( ParameterInfo terms ) : PlTermV
ToPlTermVSpecs ( System.Type.Type terms ) : PlTermV
ToString ( object o ) : string
ToString0 ( object o ) : string
Trace ( ) : void
TryConstructObject ( System.Type.Type c, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramsIn, System.Action &postCallHook, object &res ) : bool
UnifySpecialObject ( PlTerm plTerm, object ret1 ) : bool
VoidOrNull ( MethodInfo info ) : object
WriteDebug ( string s ) : void
clasPathOf ( JPL jpl1 ) : string
cliAddEventHandler ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm prologPred ) : bool
cliAddEventWaiter ( PlTerm blockOn, PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm newBlockOn ) : bool
cliAddShorttype ( PlTerm valueName, PlTerm valueIn ) : bool
cliBlockUntilEvent ( PlTerm blockOn, PlTerm maxTime, PlTerm testVarsCode, PlTerm exitCode ) : bool
cliBreak ( PlTerm ex ) : bool
cliCallRaw ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramsIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliClassFromType ( PlTerm valueIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliFindClass ( PlTerm clazzName, PlTerm clazzObjectOut ) : bool
cliFindConstructor ( PlTerm clazzSpec, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm methodOut ) : bool
cliFindMethod ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm methodOut ) : bool
cliFindType ( PlTerm clazzSpec, PlTerm classRef ) : bool
cliGetClass ( PlTerm valueIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliGetClassname ( PlTerm valueIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliGetField ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliGetProperty ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm indexValues, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliGetRaw ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliGetType ( PlTerm valueIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliJavaToString ( PlTerm paramIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliLockEnter ( PlTerm lockObj ) : bool
cliLockExit ( PlTerm lockObj ) : bool
cliMakeDefault ( PlTerm typeSpec, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliMemberDoc ( SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm membIn, SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm docOut, SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm xmlOut ) : bool
cliMembers ( SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm clazzOrInstance, SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm membersSpecListOut ) : bool
cliNew ( PlTerm clazzSpec, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramsIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliNewDelegate ( PlTerm delegateClass, PlTerm prologPred, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliNewDelegateTerm ( System.Type.Type fi, PlTerm prologPred, bool saveKey ) : Delegate
cliNewEventWaiter ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm blockOn ) : bool
cliPropsForType ( SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm clazzSpec, SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm memberSpecList ) : bool
cliRaiseEventHandler ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramsIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliRemoveEventHandler ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm prologPred ) : bool
cliSetField ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm valueIn ) : bool
cliSetProperty ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm indexValues, PlTerm valueIn ) : bool
cliSetRaw ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn ) : bool
cliThrow ( PlTerm ex ) : bool
cliToStrRaw ( PlTerm obj, PlTerm str ) : bool
cliTypeFromClass ( PlTerm valueIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliTypeToFullname ( PlTerm valueIn, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
cliTypeToTypespec ( PlTerm clazzSpec, PlTerm valueOut ) : bool
findConstructorInfo ( PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, System.Type.Type &paramz ) : ConstructorInfo
findEventInfo ( PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, System.Type.Type &paramz, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : EventInfo
findField ( PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : FieldInfo
findMember ( PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c ) : MemberInfo
findMember ( PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : MemberInfo
findMethodInfo ( PlTerm memberSpec, int arity, System.Type.Type c, System.Type.Type &paramz, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : MethodInfo
findMethodInfo0 ( PlTerm memberSpec, int arity, System.Type.Type c, System.Type.Type &paramz, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : MethodInfo
findPropertyInfo ( PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, bool mustHaveP, bool assumeParamTypes, System.Type.Type &paramz, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : PropertyInfo
getClassFromTypeHandle ( RuntimeTypeHandle handle, int rank ) : java.lang.Class
getFriendlyClassFromType ( Type classObject ) : java.lang.Class
getInstanceTypeFromClass ( Type classObject ) : System.System.Type
link_swiplcs ( PlTerm pathName ) : bool
listOfOne ( PlTerm term ) : PlTerm
typeToName ( Type type ) : string
typeToSpec ( Type type ) : PlTerm

Method Details

C() public static method

public static C ( string collection ) : PlTerm
collection string
return PlTerm

CallProlog() public static method

public static CallProlog ( object target, string module, string name, int arity, object origin, object paramz, System.Type.Type returnType, bool discard ) : object
target object
module string
name string
arity int
origin object
paramz object
returnType System.Type.Type
discard bool
return object

CheckEngine() public static method

public static CheckEngine ( ) : int
return int

ConsoleTrace() public static method

public static ConsoleTrace ( object s ) : void
s object
return void

Consult() public method

public Consult ( string filename ) : bool
filename string
return bool

ConsultIfExists() public method

public ConsultIfExists ( string file ) : bool
file string
return bool

DeregisterThread() public static method

public static DeregisterThread ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

DoQuery() public static method

public static DoQuery ( string query ) : bool
query string
return bool

DoQuery() public static method

public static DoQuery ( string m, string f, PlTermV args ) : bool
m string
f string
args PlTermV
return bool

Eval() public method

public Eval ( object obj ) : object
obj object
return object

ExitThread() public static method

public static ExitThread ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

GetDocString() public static method

public static GetDocString ( MemberInfo memberInfo ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
memberInfo System.Reflection.MemberInfo
return System.Xml.XmlNode

GetDocString() public static method

public static GetDocString ( System.Xml.XmlNode docMembers, MemberInfo info ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
docMembers System.Xml.XmlNode
info System.Reflection.MemberInfo
return System.Xml.XmlNode

GetInstance() public static method

public static GetInstance ( PlTerm classOrInstance ) : object
classOrInstance PlTerm
return object

GetParameterType() public static method

public static GetParameterType ( ParameterInfo paramInfo ) : System.Type.Type
paramInfo System.Reflection.ParameterInfo
return System.Type.Type

GetPrimitiveType() public static method

public static GetPrimitiveType ( String name ) : Type
name String
return System.Type

GetSymbol() public method

public GetSymbol ( string name ) : object
name string
return object

GetType() public static method

public static GetType ( PlTerm clazzSpec ) : Type
clazzSpec PlTerm
return System.Type

GetType() public static method

public static GetType ( PlTerm clazzSpec, bool canBeObjects ) : Type
clazzSpec PlTerm
canBeObjects bool
return System.Type

GetTypeThrowIfMissing() public static method

public static GetTypeThrowIfMissing ( PlTerm clazzSpec ) : Type
clazzSpec PlTerm
return System.Type

GetXmlDocMembers() public static method

public static GetXmlDocMembers ( Assembly typeAssembly ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
typeAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly
return System.Xml.XmlNode

GetXmlDocMembers() public static method

public static GetXmlDocMembers ( System.Type.Type type ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
type System.Type.Type
return System.Xml.XmlNode

GetXmlDocMembers0() public static method

public static GetXmlDocMembers0 ( Assembly typeAssembly ) : System.Xml.XmlNode
typeAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly
return System.Xml.XmlNode

InModule() public static method

public static InModule ( string s, org o ) : org.jpl7.Term
s string
o org
return org.jpl7.Term

InitFromUser() public method

public InitFromUser ( ) : void
return void

Intern() public method

public Intern ( string varname, object value ) : void
varname string
value object
return void

IsByRef() public static method

public static IsByRef ( ParameterInfo paramInfo ) : bool
paramInfo System.Reflection.ParameterInfo
return bool

IsDefined() public method

public IsDefined ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

IsDefined() public static method

public static IsDefined ( string module, string functor, int arity ) : bool
module string
functor string
arity int
return bool

KillPrologThreads() public static method

public static KillPrologThreads ( ) : void
return void

Main() public static method

public static Main ( string args0 ) : void
args0 string
return void

Main_Was() public static method

public static Main_Was ( string args0 ) : void
args0 string
return void

PingThreadFactories() public static method

public static PingThreadFactories ( ) : void
return void

PlAssert() public static method

public static PlAssert ( string s ) : void
s string
return void

PlC() public static method

public static PlC ( string decl ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
decl string
return SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm

PlC() public static method

public static PlC ( string decl, PlTermV termV ) : SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm
decl string
termV PlTermV
return SbsSW.SwiPlCs.PlTerm

PlCall() public static method

public static PlCall ( string s ) : bool
s string
return bool

PlCall() public static method

public static PlCall ( string m, string f, PlTermV args ) : bool
m string
f string
args PlTermV
return bool

PlNamed() public static method

public static PlNamed ( string name ) : PlTerm
name string
return PlTerm

PlSucceedOrFail() public static method

public static PlSucceedOrFail ( bool p ) : int
p bool
return int

PlSucceedOrFailOrError() public static method

public static PlSucceedOrFailOrError ( int p ) : bool
p int
return bool

PrologCLR() public method

public PrologCLR ( ) : MushDLR223.Utilities
return MushDLR223.Utilities

RaiseEvent() public static method

public static RaiseEvent ( object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn, PlTerm valueOut, EventInfo evi, System.Type.Type c ) : bool
getInstance object
memberSpec PlTerm
paramIn PlTerm
valueOut PlTerm
evi System.Reflection.EventInfo
c System.Type.Type
return bool

Read() public method

public Read ( string line, TextWriter @delegate ) : object
line string
@delegate TextWriter
return object

RegisterCurrentThread() public static method

public static RegisterCurrentThread ( ) : void
return void

RegisterMainThread() public static method

public static RegisterMainThread ( ) : void
return void

RegisterPLCSForeigns() public static method

public static RegisterPLCSForeigns ( ) : void
return void

RegisterThread() public static method

public static RegisterThread ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

RegisterThread121() public static method

public static RegisterThread121 ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

RegisterThread121A() public static method

public static RegisterThread121A ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

RegisterThread121Leak() public static method

public static RegisterThread121Leak ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

RegisterThread121T() public static method

public static RegisterThread121T ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

RegisterThread12Many() public static method

public static RegisterThread12Many ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

RegisterThreadOrig() public static method

public static RegisterThreadOrig ( System.Thread thread ) : void
thread System.Thread
return void

ResolveJClass() public static method

public static ResolveJClass ( string name ) : Type
name string
return System.Type

ResolveType1() public static method

public static ResolveType1 ( string typeName ) : Type
typeName string
return System.Type

ResolveType2() public static method

public static ResolveType2 ( string typeName ) : Type
typeName string
return System.Type

ResolveTypeInNameSpaces() public static method

public static ResolveTypeInNameSpaces ( string typeName, bool ignoreCase ) : Type
typeName string
ignoreCase bool
return System.Type

SetupProlog() public static method

public static SetupProlog ( ) : void
return void

SetupProlog0() public static method

public static SetupProlog0 ( ) : void
return void

SetupProlog1() public static method

This after the SwiPrologDir and IKVMHome is set up will update the environment
public static SetupProlog1 ( ) : void
return void

SetupProlog2() public static method

public static SetupProlog2 ( ) : void
return void

StreamRead() public method

public StreamRead ( ) : void
return void

ToCSString() public static method

public static ToCSString ( PlTermV termV ) : string
termV PlTermV
return string

ToProlog() public static method

public static ToProlog ( object value ) : PlTerm
value object
return PlTerm

UnifyAtom() public static method

public static UnifyAtom ( uint TermRef, string s ) : int
TermRef uint
s string
return int

UnifyToProlog() public static method

public static UnifyToProlog ( object o, PlTerm term ) : int
o object
term PlTerm
return int

UnifyToPrologImmediate() public static method

public static UnifyToPrologImmediate ( object o, PlTerm term ) : int
o object
term PlTerm
return int

cliCallRawForVar() public static method

public static cliCallRawForVar ( PlTerm clazzOrInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramsIn, PlTerm valueOut, System.Type.Type returnTypeHint ) : bool
clazzOrInstance PlTerm
memberSpec PlTerm
paramsIn PlTerm
valueOut PlTerm
returnTypeHint System.Type.Type
return bool

cliGet0() public static method

public static cliGet0 ( object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, System.Type.Type c, bool &found, BindingFlags icbf ) : object
getInstance object
memberSpec PlTerm
c System.Type.Type
found bool
icbf BindingFlags
return object

cliSet0() public static method

public static cliSet0 ( object getInstance, PlTerm memberSpec, PlTerm paramIn, System.Type.Type c, BindingFlags searchFlags ) : bool
getInstance object
memberSpec PlTerm
paramIn PlTerm
c System.Type.Type
searchFlags BindingFlags
return bool

load_swiplcs() public static method

public static load_swiplcs ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

AltSwiHomeDir public_oe static_oe property

public static string AltSwiHomeDir
return string

AssmblyXDoics public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary AssmblyXDoics
return XElement>.Dictionary

BindingFlagsALL public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags BindingFlagsALL
return BindingFlags

BindingFlagsALL3 public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags BindingFlagsALL3
return BindingFlags

BindingFlagsALLNC public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags BindingFlagsALLNC
return BindingFlags

BindingFlagsInstance public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags BindingFlagsInstance
return BindingFlags

BindingFlagsJustStatic public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags BindingFlagsJustStatic
return BindingFlags

ClientReady public_oe static_oe property

public static bool ClientReady
return bool

CreatorThread public_oe static_oe property

public static Thread,System CreatorThread
return System.Thread

ForiegnFrameCounts public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary ForiegnFrameCounts
return int>.Dictionary

FreeEngines public_oe static_oe property

public static List FreeEngines
return List

ICASE public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags ICASE
return BindingFlags

InstanceFields public_oe static_oe property

public static BindingFlags InstanceFields
return BindingFlags

NoTestThreadFActory public_oe static_oe property

public static bool NoTestThreadFActory
return bool

ONE_STRING public_oe static_oe property

public static Type.Type[],System ONE_STRING
return System.Type.Type[]

OneToOneEnginesPeThread public_oe static_oe property

public static bool OneToOneEnginesPeThread
return bool

PrologDelegateHandlers public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary PrologDelegateHandlers
return DelegateObjectInProlog>.Dictionary

PrologEventHandlers public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary PrologEventHandlers
return EventHandlerInProlog>.Dictionary

PrologEventQueue public_oe static_oe property

public static TaskQueueHandler PrologEventQueue
return TaskQueueHandler

SafeThreads public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary SafeThreads
return IntPtr>.Dictionary

SaneThreadWorld public_oe static_oe property

public static bool SaneThreadWorld
return bool

ThreadEngines public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary ThreadEngines
return PlMtEngine>.Dictionary

ThreadRegisterations public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary ThreadRegisterations
return int>.Dictionary

ToFromConvertLock public_oe static_oe property

public static object ToFromConvertLock
return object

UseEnginePool public_oe static_oe property

public static bool UseEnginePool
return bool

ZERO_OBJECTS public_oe static_oe property

public static Object[] ZERO_OBJECTS
return Object[]

ZERO_TYPES public_oe static_oe property

public static Type.Type[],System ZERO_TYPES
return System.Type.Type[]

engineToThread public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary engineToThread
return Thread>.Dictionary

threadToEngine public_oe static_oe property

public static Dictionary threadToEngine
return int>.Dictionary