C# Class SwarmOps.LogSolutions

Log best solutions found during optimization, that is, log parameters and their associated fitness. Transparently wraps around a problem-object.
Inheritance: ProblemWrapper
Mostra file Open project: DanWBR/dwsim3

Public Methods

Method Description
Clear ( ) : void

Clear the log.

Fitness ( double parameters, double fitnessLimit, bool oldFeasible, bool newFeasible ) : double

Compute the fitness measure by passing the given parameters to the wrapped problem, and if candidate solution is an improvement then log the results.

LogSolutions ( Problem problem, int capacity, bool onlyFeasible ) : System.Collections.Generic

Create the object.

Method Details

Clear() public method

Clear the log.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

Fitness() public method

Compute the fitness measure by passing the given parameters to the wrapped problem, and if candidate solution is an improvement then log the results.
public Fitness ( double parameters, double fitnessLimit, bool oldFeasible, bool newFeasible ) : double
parameters double Candidate solution.
fitnessLimit double Preemptive Fitness Limit
oldFeasible bool Feasibility of new candidate solution.
newFeasible bool Feasibility of old candidate solution.
return double

LogSolutions() public method

Create the object.
public LogSolutions ( Problem problem, int capacity, bool onlyFeasible ) : System.Collections.Generic
problem Problem Problem-object to be wrapped.
capacity int Log capacity.
onlyFeasible bool Only log feasible solutions.
return System.Collections.Generic