C# Class SobekCM.Library.Citation.Elements.Literal_Element

Element is used to write a html literal into the form
This class implements the iElement interface and extends the abstract_Element class.
Inheritance: abstract_Element
Mostra file Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

Public Methods

Method Description
Literal_Element ( ) : System

Constructor for a new instance of the Literal_Element class

Prepare_For_Save ( SobekCM_Item Bib, User_Object Current_User ) : void

Prepares the bib object for the save, by clearing any existing data in this element's related field(s)

This does nothing

Render_Template_HTML ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL ) : void

Render the HTML for the template

Save_To_Bib ( SobekCM_Item Bib ) : void

Saves the data rendered by this element to the provided bibliographic object during postback

Protected Methods

Method Description
Inner_Read_Data ( XmlTextReader XMLReader ) : void

Read inner data for this XML

Method Details

Inner_Read_Data() protected method

Read inner data for this XML
protected Inner_Read_Data ( XmlTextReader XMLReader ) : void
XMLReader System.Xml.XmlTextReader Current reader for the template configuration XML file
return void

Literal_Element() public method

Constructor for a new instance of the Literal_Element class
public Literal_Element ( ) : System
return System

Prepare_For_Save() public method

Prepares the bib object for the save, by clearing any existing data in this element's related field(s)
This does nothing
public Prepare_For_Save ( SobekCM_Item Bib, User_Object Current_User ) : void
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Existing digital resource object which may already have values for this element's data field(s)
Current_User SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered
return void

Render_Template_HTML() public method

Render the HTML for the template
public Render_Template_HTML ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL ) : void
Output System.IO.TextWriter Output stream to write the template to
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Digital resource to show in the template
Skin_Code string Skin code to use
IsMozilla bool Flag indicates if this is being displayed in Mozilla
PopupFormBuilder StringBuilder Builder collects any pop-up form HTML
Current_User SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Currenlty logged on user
CurrentLanguage Web_Language_Enum Currently requested language for the template
Translator SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState.Language_Support_Info Translator object
Base_URL string Base URL for the instance of SobekCM
return void

Save_To_Bib() public method

Saves the data rendered by this element to the provided bibliographic object during postback
public Save_To_Bib ( SobekCM_Item Bib ) : void
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Object into which to save the user's data, entered into the html rendered by this element
return void