C# Class Snooze.AutoMock.Castle.MoqContrib.AutoMock.MockHeap

Like a container, but keeps track of mocks instead of objects.
Inheritance: MoqContrib.AutoMock.IMockHeap
Mostra file Open project: nhsevidence/Snooze

Public Methods

Method Description
ContainsType ( Type type ) : bool
ContainsType ( Type type, string key ) : bool
this ( Type type ) : Mock
this ( Type type, string key ) : Mock

Method Details

ContainsType() public method

public ContainsType ( Type type ) : bool
type System.Type
return bool

ContainsType() public method

public ContainsType ( Type type, string key ) : bool
type System.Type
key string
return bool

this() public method

public this ( Type type ) : Mock
type System.Type
return Mock

this() public method

public this ( Type type, string key ) : Mock
type System.Type
key string
return Mock