C# Class Smrf.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.GraphExporterUtil

Utility methods for exporting a graph.
This static class contains methods that can be used while exporting a graph.

Call GetDataToExport to get images of the graph, along with optional workbook contents, workbook settings, and GraphML.

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Public Methods

Method Description
GetDataToExport ( Microsoft workbook, NodeXLControl nodeXLControl, System.Boolean exportWorkbookAndSettings, System.Boolean exportGraphML, String zippedGraphMLFileName, System.Boolean useFixedAspectRatio, Byte &fullSizeImage, Byte &thumbnail, Byte &workbookContents, String &workbookSettings, Byte &graphMLZipped ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
GetFullSizeImageSizePx ( NodeXLControl oNodeXLControl, System.Boolean bUseFixedAspectRatio ) : Size
GetGraphML ( Microsoft oWorkbook ) : String
GetImages ( NodeXLControl oNodeXLControl, System.Boolean bUseFixedAspectRatio, Byte &abtFullSizeImage, Byte &abtThumbnail ) : void
GetThumbnailImageSizePx ( Size oFullSizeImageSizePx ) : Size
GetWorkbookContents ( Microsoft oWorkbook ) : Byte[]
GetWorkbookSettings ( Microsoft oWorkbook ) : String
ImageToBytes ( Image oImage ) : Byte[]
ZipGraphML ( String sGraphML, String sZippedGraphMLFileName ) : Byte[]

Method Details

GetDataToExport() public static method

public static GetDataToExport ( Microsoft workbook, NodeXLControl nodeXLControl, System.Boolean exportWorkbookAndSettings, System.Boolean exportGraphML, String zippedGraphMLFileName, System.Boolean useFixedAspectRatio, Byte &fullSizeImage, Byte &thumbnail, Byte &workbookContents, String &workbookSettings, Byte &graphMLZipped ) : void
workbook Microsoft
nodeXLControl Smrf.NodeXL.Visualization.Wpf.NodeXLControl
exportWorkbookAndSettings System.Boolean
exportGraphML System.Boolean
zippedGraphMLFileName String
useFixedAspectRatio System.Boolean
fullSizeImage Byte
thumbnail Byte
workbookContents Byte
workbookSettings String
graphMLZipped Byte
return void