C# Class SipSharp.Logging.ConsoleLogger

This class writes to the console.
It colors the output depending on the log level and includes a 3-level stack trace (in debug mode)
Inheritance: ILogger
Mostra file Open project: jgauffin/SipSharp

Public Methods

Method Description
ConsoleLogger ( Type loggingType, ILogFilter filter ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ConsoleLogger class.

Debug ( string message ) : void

Write an entry that helps when debugging code.

Debug ( string message, Exception err ) : void

Write an entry that helps when debugging code.

Error ( string message ) : void

Something went wrong, but the application do not need to die. The current thread/request cannot continue as expected.

Error ( string message, Exception err ) : void

Something went wrong, but the application do not need to die. The current thread/request cannot continue as expected.

Fatal ( string message ) : void

Something went very wrong, application might not recover.

Fatal ( string message, Exception err ) : void

Something went very wrong, application might not recover.

GetColor ( LogLevel level ) : ConsoleColor

Get color for the specified log level

Info ( string message ) : void

Informational message, needed when helping customer to find a problem.

Info ( string message, Exception err ) : void

Informational message, needed when helping customer to find a problem.

Trace ( string message ) : void

Write a entry needed when following through code during hard to find bugs.

Trace ( string message, Exception err ) : void

Write a entry needed when following through code during hard to find bugs.

Warning ( string message ) : void

Something is not as we expect, but the code can continue to run without any changes.

Warning ( string message, Exception err ) : void

Something is not as we expect, but the code can continue to run without any changes.

Write ( LogLevel level, string message ) : void

Write an entry

Write ( LogLevel level, string message, Exception exception ) : void

Write an entry

Method Details

ConsoleLogger() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ConsoleLogger class.
public ConsoleLogger ( Type loggingType, ILogFilter filter ) : System
loggingType System.Type Type being logged.
filter ILogFilter Filter used to decide which entries to log.
return System

Debug() public method

Write an entry that helps when debugging code.
public Debug ( string message ) : void
message string Log message
return void

Debug() public method

Write an entry that helps when debugging code.
public Debug ( string message, Exception err ) : void
message string Log message
err System.Exception Exception being logged.
return void

Error() public method

Something went wrong, but the application do not need to die. The current thread/request cannot continue as expected.
public Error ( string message ) : void
message string Log message
return void

Error() public method

Something went wrong, but the application do not need to die. The current thread/request cannot continue as expected.
public Error ( string message, Exception err ) : void
message string Log message
err System.Exception Exception being logged.
return void

Fatal() public method

Something went very wrong, application might not recover.
public Fatal ( string message ) : void
message string Log message
return void

Fatal() public method

Something went very wrong, application might not recover.
public Fatal ( string message, Exception err ) : void
message string Log message
err System.Exception Exception being logged.
return void

GetColor() public static method

Get color for the specified log level
public static GetColor ( LogLevel level ) : ConsoleColor
level LogLevel Level for the log entry
return ConsoleColor

Info() public method

Informational message, needed when helping customer to find a problem.
public Info ( string message ) : void
message string Log message
return void

Info() public method

Informational message, needed when helping customer to find a problem.
public Info ( string message, Exception err ) : void
message string Log message
err System.Exception Exception being logged.
return void

Trace() public method

Write a entry needed when following through code during hard to find bugs.
public Trace ( string message ) : void
message string Log message
return void

Trace() public method

Write a entry needed when following through code during hard to find bugs.
public Trace ( string message, Exception err ) : void
message string Log message
err System.Exception Exception being logged.
return void

Warning() public method

Something is not as we expect, but the code can continue to run without any changes.
public Warning ( string message ) : void
message string Log message
return void

Warning() public method

Something is not as we expect, but the code can continue to run without any changes.
public Warning ( string message, Exception err ) : void
message string Log message
err System.Exception Exception being logged.
return void

Write() public method

Write an entry
public Write ( LogLevel level, string message ) : void
level LogLevel Importance of the log message
message string The message.
return void

Write() public method

Write an entry
public Write ( LogLevel level, string message, Exception exception ) : void
level LogLevel Importance of the log message
message string The message.
exception System.Exception
return void