C# Class Simple.Migrator.BaseMigrate

Mostra file Open project: juanplopes/simple

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_availableMigrations List
_current long
_dryrun bool
_logger ILogger
_original List
_provider ITransformationProvider

Public Methods

Method Description
Continue ( long targetVersion ) : bool
GetInstance ( List availableMigrations, ITransformationProvider provider, ILogger logger, string schemainfoname ) : BaseMigrate
Iterate ( ) : void
Migrate ( IMigration migration, string schemainfoname ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
BaseMigrate ( List availableMigrations, ITransformationProvider provider, ILogger logger, string schemainfoname ) : System.Collections.Generic
NextMigration ( ) : long

Finds the next migration available to be applied. Only returns migrations that have NOT already been applied.

PreviousMigration ( ) : long

Finds the previous migration that has been applied. Only returns migrations that HAVE already been applied.

Method Details

BaseMigrate() protected method

protected BaseMigrate ( List availableMigrations, ITransformationProvider provider, ILogger logger, string schemainfoname ) : System.Collections.Generic
availableMigrations List
provider ITransformationProvider
logger ILogger
schemainfoname string
return System.Collections.Generic

Continue() public abstract method

public abstract Continue ( long targetVersion ) : bool
targetVersion long
return bool

GetInstance() public static method

public static GetInstance ( List availableMigrations, ITransformationProvider provider, ILogger logger, string schemainfoname ) : BaseMigrate
availableMigrations List
provider ITransformationProvider
logger ILogger
schemainfoname string
return BaseMigrate

Iterate() public method

public Iterate ( ) : void
return void

Migrate() public abstract method

public abstract Migrate ( IMigration migration, string schemainfoname ) : void
migration IMigration
schemainfoname string
return void

NextMigration() protected method

Finds the next migration available to be applied. Only returns migrations that have NOT already been applied.
protected NextMigration ( ) : long
return long

PreviousMigration() protected method

Finds the previous migration that has been applied. Only returns migrations that HAVE already been applied.
protected PreviousMigration ( ) : long
return long

Property Details

_availableMigrations protected_oe property

protected List _availableMigrations
return List

_current protected_oe property

protected long _current
return long

_dryrun protected_oe property

protected bool _dryrun
return bool

_logger protected_oe property

protected ILogger _logger
return ILogger

_original protected_oe property

protected List _original
return List

_provider protected_oe property

protected ITransformationProvider _provider
return ITransformationProvider