C# Class SilverlightFX.UserInterface.View

Represents the top-most view in an application.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Controls.UserControl
Mostra file Open project: nikhilk/silverlightfx

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ModelProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Public Methods

Method Description
GetViewModel ( System.Windows.Controls.UserControl userControl ) : object

Gets the view model instance attached to the specified control.

SetViewModel ( System.Windows.Controls.UserControl userControl, object value ) : void

Sets the view model instance attached to the specified control. The view model is also used as the DataContext assigned to the control.

View ( ) : System

Initializes an instance of a View.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnLoaded ( ) : void

Performs initialization in response to the Loaded event.

Private Methods

Method Description
InitializeViewData ( object>.IDictionary viewData ) : void
OnLoaded ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void
OnModelPropertyChanged ( DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void
View ( UIElement content ) : System

Method Details

GetViewModel() public static method

Gets the view model instance attached to the specified control.
public static GetViewModel ( System.Windows.Controls.UserControl userControl ) : object
userControl System.Windows.Controls.UserControl The control to lookup.
return object

OnLoaded() protected method

Performs initialization in response to the Loaded event.
protected OnLoaded ( ) : void
return void

SetViewModel() public static method

Sets the view model instance attached to the specified control. The view model is also used as the DataContext assigned to the control.
public static SetViewModel ( System.Windows.Controls.UserControl userControl, object value ) : void
userControl System.Windows.Controls.UserControl The control to associated the view model with.
value object The view model instance.
return void

View() public method

Initializes an instance of a View.
public View ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

ModelProperty public_oe static_oe property

Represents the Model attached property.
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows ModelProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty