C# Class SharpVectors.Dom.Css.CssXmlDocument

A XmlDocument with CSS support
Inheritance: Document, IDocumentCss, ICssView
Mostra file Open project: codebutler/savagesvg Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddStyleElement ( string ns, string localName ) : void

Adds a element type to be used as style elements (e.g. as in the HTML style element)

CreateElement ( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) : XmlElement
CssXmlDocument ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of CssXmlDocument

CssXmlDocument ( XmlNameTable nt ) : System

Initializes a new instance of CssXmlDocument

GetComputedStyle ( System elt, string pseudoElt ) : SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration

This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in [CSS2].

GetOverrideStyle ( System elt, string pseudoElt ) : SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration

This method is used to retrieve the override style declaration for a specified element and a specified pseudo-element.

GetResource ( Uri absoluteUri ) : WebResponse
Load ( XmlReader reader ) : void
Load ( string filename ) : void

Loads a XML document, compare to XmlDocument.Load()

LoadXml ( string xml ) : void
NodeChangedEvent ( Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args ) : void
SetUserAgentStyleSheet ( string href ) : void

Sets the user agent stylesheet for this document

SetUserStyleSheet ( string href ) : void

Sets the user stylesheet for this document

Private Methods

Method Description
setupNodeChangeListeners ( ) : void

Method Details

AddStyleElement() public method

Adds a element type to be used as style elements (e.g. as in the HTML style element)
public AddStyleElement ( string ns, string localName ) : void
ns string The namespace URI of the element
localName string The local-name of the element
return void

CreateElement() public method

public CreateElement ( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) : XmlElement
prefix string
localName string
ns string
return System.Xml.XmlElement

CssXmlDocument() public method

Initializes a new instance of CssXmlDocument
public CssXmlDocument ( ) : System
return System

CssXmlDocument() public method

Initializes a new instance of CssXmlDocument
public CssXmlDocument ( XmlNameTable nt ) : System
nt System.Xml.XmlNameTable The name table to use
return System

GetComputedStyle() public method

This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in [CSS2].
public GetComputedStyle ( System elt, string pseudoElt ) : SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration
elt System The element whose style is to be computed. This parameter cannot be null.
pseudoElt string The pseudo-element or null if none.
return SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration

GetOverrideStyle() public method

This method is used to retrieve the override style declaration for a specified element and a specified pseudo-element.
public GetOverrideStyle ( System elt, string pseudoElt ) : SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration
elt System The element whose style is to be modified. This parameter cannot be null.
pseudoElt string The pseudo-element or null if none.
return SharpVectors.Dom.Css.ICssStyleDeclaration

GetResource() public method

public GetResource ( Uri absoluteUri ) : WebResponse
absoluteUri System.Uri
return System.Net.WebResponse

Load() public method

public Load ( XmlReader reader ) : void
reader XmlReader
return void

Load() public method

Loads a XML document, compare to XmlDocument.Load()
public Load ( string filename ) : void
filename string
return void

LoadXml() public method

public LoadXml ( string xml ) : void
xml string
return void

NodeChangedEvent() public method

public NodeChangedEvent ( Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args ) : void
src Object
args System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs
return void

SetUserAgentStyleSheet() public method

Sets the user agent stylesheet for this document
public SetUserAgentStyleSheet ( string href ) : void
href string The URI to the stylesheet
return void

SetUserStyleSheet() public method

Sets the user stylesheet for this document
public SetUserStyleSheet ( string href ) : void
href string The URI to the stylesheet
return void