C# Class Serilog.Events.DictionaryValue

A value represented as a mapping from keys to values.
Inheritance: LogEventPropertyValue
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Public Methods

Method Description
DictionaryValue ( LogEventPropertyValue>.IEnumerable elements ) : System

Create a DictionaryValue with the provided elements.

Render ( TextWriter output, string format = null, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null ) : void

Render the value to the output.

Method Details

DictionaryValue() public method

Create a DictionaryValue with the provided elements.
public DictionaryValue ( LogEventPropertyValue>.IEnumerable elements ) : System
elements LogEventPropertyValue>.IEnumerable The key-value mappings represented in the dictionary.
return System

Render() public method

Render the value to the output.
public Render ( TextWriter output, string format = null, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null ) : void
output System.IO.TextWriter The output.
format string A format string applied to the value, or null.
formatProvider IFormatProvider A format provider to apply to the value, or null to use the default.
return void