C# Class Roadkill.Core.Database.LightSpeed.ToEntity

Maps a Roadkill domain objects (or list of) to a Lightspeed entity classes to the. These methods deliberatly don't return a new Entity as that causes its state to be marked as New, which can have side effects.
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Public Methods

Method Description
FromPage ( Page page, PageEntity entity ) : void
FromPageContent ( PageContent pageContent, PageContentEntity entity ) : void
FromRelationship ( Relationship rel, RelEntity entity ) : void
FromUser ( User user, UserEntity entity ) : void

Method Details

FromPage() public static method

public static FromPage ( Page page, PageEntity entity ) : void
page Page
entity PageEntity
return void

FromPageContent() public static method

public static FromPageContent ( PageContent pageContent, PageContentEntity entity ) : void
pageContent PageContent
entity PageContentEntity
return void

FromRelationship() public static method

public static FromRelationship ( Relationship rel, RelEntity entity ) : void
rel Relationship
entity RelEntity
return void

FromUser() public static method

public static FromUser ( User user, UserEntity entity ) : void
user User
entity UserEntity
return void