C# Class RingCentral.SDK

Mostra file Open project: ringcentral/ringcentral-csharp Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateSubscription ( ) : SubscriptionService
SDK ( string appKey, string appSecret, Server server, string appName = "", string appVersion = "" ) : RingCentral.Subscription

Constructor that sets up RingCentral Client

SDK ( string appKey, string appSecret, string serverUrl, string appName = "", string appVersion = "" ) : RingCentral.Subscription

Constructor that sets up RingCentral Client

Method Details

CreateSubscription() public method

public CreateSubscription ( ) : SubscriptionService
return RingCentral.Subscription.SubscriptionService

SDK() public method

Constructor that sets up RingCentral Client
public SDK ( string appKey, string appSecret, Server server, string appName = "", string appVersion = "" ) : RingCentral.Subscription
appKey string Application Key
appSecret string Application Secret
server Server Server.Sandbox or Server.Production
appName string Application name, will be used in user agent
appVersion string Application Version, will be used in user agent
return RingCentral.Subscription

SDK() public method

Constructor that sets up RingCentral Client
public SDK ( string appKey, string appSecret, string serverUrl, string appName = "", string appVersion = "" ) : RingCentral.Subscription
appKey string Application Key
appSecret string Application Secret
serverUrl string Server Url, either SDK.SandboxServerUrl or SDK.ProductionServerUrl
appName string Application name, will be used in user agent
appVersion string Application Version, will be used in user agent
return RingCentral.Subscription