C# Class Quickstarts.TestData

Mostra file Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddDataSet ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : void

Adds a new dataset.

FindBestMatch ( string rawDataSetName, ProcessedDataSetType target ) : ProcessedDataSetType

Finds the best match for the target.

FindProcessedDataSet ( string dataSetName ) : ProcessedDataSetType

Finds the processed dataset with the specified name.

FindRawDataSet ( string dataSetName ) : RawDataSetType

Finds the raw dataset with the specified name.

FormatQuality ( Opc.Ua.StatusCode statusCode ) : string

Formats a StatusCide as string for serilization or display.

FormatTimestamp ( System.DateTime timestamp ) : string

Formats a timestamp as string for serilization or display.

FormatValue ( Variant value ) : string

Formats a value as string for serilization or display.

GetName ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : string

Constructs a name for the processed dataset.

GetProcessedDataSets ( string rawDataSetName ) : Quickstarts.ProcessedDataSetType[]

Finds the processed dataset for the specified raw data set.

GetProcessedValues ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : DataValue>.SortedDictionary

Returns the values in the specified processed dataset.

GetRawValues ( string dataSetName ) : DataValue>.SortedDictionary

Returns the values in the specified raw dataset.

RemoveDataSet ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : void

Removes a dataset.

SetProcessedValues ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset, IList newValues ) : void

Sets the values for the specified processed dataset.

UpdateProcessedValues ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : void

Adds or updates a values in the specified processed dataset.

ValidateQuality ( object formattedValue ) : Opc.Ua.StatusCode

Validates the formatted HA quality code and returns a StatusCode.

ValidateTimestamp ( object formattedValue ) : System.DateTime

Validates the formatted HA value and returns a Variant.

ValidateValue ( object formattedValue ) : Variant

Validates the formatted HA value and returns a Variant.

Private Methods

Method Description
ToDataValues ( ValueType values ) : DataValue>.SortedDictionary

Converts a list of test values to a list of DataValues.

ToValueTypes ( DataValue>.SortedDictionary values ) : ValueType[]

Converts a list of DataValues to a list of test values.

Method Details

AddDataSet() public method

Adds a new dataset.
public AddDataSet ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : void
dataset ProcessedDataSetType
return void

FindBestMatch() public method

Finds the best match for the target.
public FindBestMatch ( string rawDataSetName, ProcessedDataSetType target ) : ProcessedDataSetType
rawDataSetName string
target ProcessedDataSetType
return ProcessedDataSetType

FindProcessedDataSet() public method

Finds the processed dataset with the specified name.
public FindProcessedDataSet ( string dataSetName ) : ProcessedDataSetType
dataSetName string
return ProcessedDataSetType

FindRawDataSet() public method

Finds the raw dataset with the specified name.
public FindRawDataSet ( string dataSetName ) : RawDataSetType
dataSetName string
return RawDataSetType

FormatQuality() public static method

Formats a StatusCide as string for serilization or display.
public static FormatQuality ( Opc.Ua.StatusCode statusCode ) : string
statusCode Opc.Ua.StatusCode
return string

FormatTimestamp() public static method

Formats a timestamp as string for serilization or display.
public static FormatTimestamp ( System.DateTime timestamp ) : string
timestamp System.DateTime
return string

FormatValue() public static method

Formats a value as string for serilization or display.
public static FormatValue ( Variant value ) : string
value Variant
return string

GetName() public static method

Constructs a name for the processed dataset.
public static GetName ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : string
dataset ProcessedDataSetType
return string

GetProcessedDataSets() public method

Finds the processed dataset for the specified raw data set.
public GetProcessedDataSets ( string rawDataSetName ) : Quickstarts.ProcessedDataSetType[]
rawDataSetName string
return Quickstarts.ProcessedDataSetType[]

GetProcessedValues() public method

Returns the values in the specified processed dataset.
public GetProcessedValues ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : DataValue>.SortedDictionary
dataset ProcessedDataSetType
return DataValue>.SortedDictionary

GetRawValues() public method

Returns the values in the specified raw dataset.
public GetRawValues ( string dataSetName ) : DataValue>.SortedDictionary
dataSetName string
return DataValue>.SortedDictionary

RemoveDataSet() public method

Removes a dataset.
public RemoveDataSet ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : void
dataset ProcessedDataSetType
return void

SetProcessedValues() public method

Sets the values for the specified processed dataset.
public SetProcessedValues ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset, IList newValues ) : void
dataset ProcessedDataSetType
newValues IList
return void

UpdateProcessedValues() public method

Adds or updates a values in the specified processed dataset.
public UpdateProcessedValues ( ProcessedDataSetType dataset ) : void
dataset ProcessedDataSetType
return void

ValidateQuality() public static method

Validates the formatted HA quality code and returns a StatusCode.
public static ValidateQuality ( object formattedValue ) : Opc.Ua.StatusCode
formattedValue object
return Opc.Ua.StatusCode

ValidateTimestamp() public static method

Validates the formatted HA value and returns a Variant.
public static ValidateTimestamp ( object formattedValue ) : System.DateTime
formattedValue object
return System.DateTime

ValidateValue() public static method

Validates the formatted HA value and returns a Variant.
public static ValidateValue ( object formattedValue ) : Variant
formattedValue object
return Variant