C# Class Quickstarts.ReferenceServer.ServerUtils

The interface that a server exposes to objects that it contains.
Mostra file Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandardLibrary

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateDiagnosticInfo ( IServerInternal server, OperationContext context, ServiceResult error ) : DiagnosticInfo

Creates the diagnostic info and translates any strings.

CreateDiagnosticInfoCollection ( OperationContext context, IList errors ) : DiagnosticInfoCollection

Creates a collection of diagnostics from a set of errors.

CreateError ( uint code, StatusCodeCollection results, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, OperationContext context ) : bool

Fills in the diagnostic information after an error.

CreateError ( uint code, StatusCodeCollection results, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, int index, OperationContext context ) : bool

Fills in the diagnostic information after an error.

CreateError ( uint code, OperationContext context, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, int index ) : uint

Fills in the diagnostic information after an error.

CreateStatusCodeCollection ( OperationContext context, IList errors, DiagnosticInfoCollection &diagnosticInfos ) : StatusCodeCollection

Creates a collection of status codes and diagnostics from a set of errors.

CreateSuccess ( StatusCodeCollection results, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, OperationContext context ) : void

Creates a place holder in the lists for the results.

EmptyQueue ( DataSet dataset ) : DataSet

Empties the event queue and saves it in the dataset.

ReportCreateMonitoredItem ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, double samplingInterval, uint queueSize, bool discardOldest, MonitoringFilter filter, MonitoringMode monitoringMode ) : void

Reports a new monitored item.

ReportDiscardedValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void

Reports a value discarded because of queue overflow.

ReportFilteredValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void

Reports a value excluded by the filter.

ReportModifyMonitoredItem ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, double samplingInterval, uint queueSize, bool discardOldest, MonitoringFilter filter, MonitoringMode monitoringMode ) : void

Reports a modified monitored item.

ReportPublishValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void

Reports a value published.

ReportQueuedValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void

Reports a value queued.

ReportWriteValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, Opc.Ua.DataValue value, Opc.Ua.StatusCode error ) : void

Reports a value written.

Method Details

CreateDiagnosticInfo() public static method

Creates the diagnostic info and translates any strings.
public static CreateDiagnosticInfo ( IServerInternal server, OperationContext context, ServiceResult error ) : DiagnosticInfo
server IServerInternal The server.
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext The context containing the string stable.
error Opc.Ua.ServiceResult The error to translate.
return DiagnosticInfo

CreateDiagnosticInfoCollection() public static method

Creates a collection of diagnostics from a set of errors.
public static CreateDiagnosticInfoCollection ( OperationContext context, IList errors ) : DiagnosticInfoCollection
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext
errors IList
return DiagnosticInfoCollection

CreateError() public static method

Fills in the diagnostic information after an error.
public static CreateError ( uint code, StatusCodeCollection results, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, OperationContext context ) : bool
code uint
results StatusCodeCollection
diagnosticInfos DiagnosticInfoCollection
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext
return bool

CreateError() public static method

Fills in the diagnostic information after an error.
public static CreateError ( uint code, StatusCodeCollection results, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, int index, OperationContext context ) : bool
code uint
results StatusCodeCollection
diagnosticInfos DiagnosticInfoCollection
index int
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext
return bool

CreateError() public static method

Fills in the diagnostic information after an error.
public static CreateError ( uint code, OperationContext context, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, int index ) : uint
code uint
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext
diagnosticInfos DiagnosticInfoCollection
index int
return uint

CreateStatusCodeCollection() public static method

Creates a collection of status codes and diagnostics from a set of errors.
public static CreateStatusCodeCollection ( OperationContext context, IList errors, DiagnosticInfoCollection &diagnosticInfos ) : StatusCodeCollection
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext
errors IList
diagnosticInfos DiagnosticInfoCollection
return StatusCodeCollection

CreateSuccess() public static method

Creates a place holder in the lists for the results.
public static CreateSuccess ( StatusCodeCollection results, DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, OperationContext context ) : void
results StatusCodeCollection
diagnosticInfos DiagnosticInfoCollection
context Opc.Ua.Server.OperationContext
return void

EmptyQueue() public static method

Empties the event queue and saves it in the dataset.
public static EmptyQueue ( DataSet dataset ) : DataSet
dataset System.Data.DataSet
return System.Data.DataSet

ReportCreateMonitoredItem() public static method

Reports a new monitored item.
public static ReportCreateMonitoredItem ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, double samplingInterval, uint queueSize, bool discardOldest, MonitoringFilter filter, MonitoringMode monitoringMode ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
serverHandle uint
samplingInterval double
queueSize uint
discardOldest bool
filter MonitoringFilter
monitoringMode MonitoringMode
return void

ReportDiscardedValue() public static method

Reports a value discarded because of queue overflow.
public static ReportDiscardedValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
serverHandle uint
value Opc.Ua.DataValue
return void

ReportFilteredValue() public static method

Reports a value excluded by the filter.
public static ReportFilteredValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
serverHandle uint
value Opc.Ua.DataValue
return void

ReportModifyMonitoredItem() public static method

Reports a modified monitored item.
public static ReportModifyMonitoredItem ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, double samplingInterval, uint queueSize, bool discardOldest, MonitoringFilter filter, MonitoringMode monitoringMode ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
serverHandle uint
samplingInterval double
queueSize uint
discardOldest bool
filter MonitoringFilter
monitoringMode MonitoringMode
return void

ReportPublishValue() public static method

Reports a value published.
public static ReportPublishValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
serverHandle uint
value Opc.Ua.DataValue
return void

ReportQueuedValue() public static method

Reports a value queued.
public static ReportQueuedValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, uint serverHandle, Opc.Ua.DataValue value ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
serverHandle uint
value Opc.Ua.DataValue
return void

ReportWriteValue() public static method

Reports a value written.
public static ReportWriteValue ( Opc.Ua.NodeId nodeId, Opc.Ua.DataValue value, Opc.Ua.StatusCode error ) : void
nodeId Opc.Ua.NodeId
value Opc.Ua.DataValue
error Opc.Ua.StatusCode
return void