C# Class Qowaiv.CodeGenerator.Program

The code generator program.
Mostra file Open project: Corniel/Qowaiv

Public Methods

Method Description
Main ( string args ) : void

Executes the program.

CodeGenerator.exe outputDir underlyingType className [longClassName] [a|an] [namespace] Example: CodeGenerator.exe C:\Temp\Qowaiv string EmailAddress "Email address" an Qowaiv

Private Methods

Method Description
AppendLoggers ( ) : void

Method Details

Main() public static method

Executes the program.
CodeGenerator.exe outputDir underlyingType className [longClassName] [a|an] [namespace] Example: CodeGenerator.exe C:\Temp\Qowaiv string EmailAddress "Email address" an Qowaiv
public static Main ( string args ) : void
args string The Arguments of the program.
return void