C# Class Prizm.Main.Forms.PipeMill.NewEdit.MillPipeNewEditViewModel

Inheritance: ViewModelBase, ISupportModifiableView, IDisposable
Mostra file Open project: AleksMorozova/prizm Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AvailableTests BindingList
TestResultStatuses BindingList>
listOfInspectors object>>.List
localizedAllType List
pipeNotifier IPipeNotifier
selectiveOprationPipeNotifier IPipeNotifier

Public Methods

Method Description
ChangePipeStatus ( List testsResults ) : void

Change Pipe status according to pipe test result

CheckOperationStatus ( List listOfOperations ) : PipeTestResultStatus

This method find last result for operation

CheckStatus ( ) : bool
Dispose ( ) : void
GetLengthFromOperation ( ) : int
GetRequired ( PipeMillSizeType millSizeType ) : BindingList

Creates predefined pipe test result for all active required availableTests for concrete pipe mill size type

IsAnyInspectionResult ( ) : int
NewPipe ( ) : void
PipeTestResultsMaxOrder ( ) : int
UpdatePipeSubStatus ( ) : void

This method update pipeSubStatus

UpdateSubStatus ( List allResults, List testsResult ) : PipeMillSubStatus

This method set required subStatus for pipe

orderTestResult ( ) : List

Returns list of ordered Pipe test result

Private Methods

Method Description
FormatInspectorList ( IList inspectors ) : string

Customize displaying inspectors name in grid cell : show only last name

FormatWeldersList ( IList welders ) : string
GetAllPipeTestResults ( ) : void

Gets for current pipe all linked pipe test result and sets them to its property

GetAvailableTests ( ) : void

Gets control operations that can be added for current pipe (based on pipe size type)

LoadPipeMillStatuses ( ) : void
MillPipeNewEditViewModel ( IMillRepository repoMill, System.Guid id, IUserNotify notify, ISecurityContext ctx ) : DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Model

Method Details

ChangePipeStatus() public method

Change Pipe status according to pipe test result
public ChangePipeStatus ( List testsResults ) : void
testsResults List
return void

CheckOperationStatus() public method

This method find last result for operation
public CheckOperationStatus ( List listOfOperations ) : PipeTestResultStatus
listOfOperations List List of operations with one category type for current pipe
return PipeTestResultStatus

CheckStatus() public method

public CheckStatus ( ) : bool
return bool

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

GetLengthFromOperation() public method

public GetLengthFromOperation ( ) : int
return int

GetRequired() public method

Creates predefined pipe test result for all active required availableTests for concrete pipe mill size type
public GetRequired ( PipeMillSizeType millSizeType ) : BindingList
millSizeType Prizm.Domain.Entity.Setup.PipeMillSizeType
return BindingList

IsAnyInspectionResult() public method

public IsAnyInspectionResult ( ) : int
return int

NewPipe() public method

public NewPipe ( ) : void
return void

PipeTestResultsMaxOrder() public method

public PipeTestResultsMaxOrder ( ) : int
return int

UpdatePipeSubStatus() public method

This method update pipeSubStatus
public UpdatePipeSubStatus ( ) : void
return void

UpdateSubStatus() public method

This method set required subStatus for pipe
public UpdateSubStatus ( List allResults, List testsResult ) : PipeMillSubStatus
allResults List all PipeTestResult for current pipe
testsResult List all test result status for current pipe
return PipeMillSubStatus

orderTestResult() public method

Returns list of ordered Pipe test result
public orderTestResult ( ) : List
return List

Property Details

AvailableTests public_oe property

public BindingList AvailableTests
return BindingList

TestResultStatuses public_oe property

public BindingList> TestResultStatuses
return BindingList>

listOfInspectors public_oe property

public List> listOfInspectors
return object>>.List

localizedAllType public_oe property

public List localizedAllType
return List

pipeNotifier public_oe property

public IPipeNotifier pipeNotifier
return IPipeNotifier

selectiveOprationPipeNotifier public_oe property

public IPipeNotifier selectiveOprationPipeNotifier
return IPipeNotifier