C# Class PlayFab.ClientModels.GetUserCombinedInfoResult

Inheritance: PlayFab.SharedModels.PlayFabResultCommon
Mostra file Open project: PlayFab/PlayFabGameServer Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AccountInfo UserAccountInfo
Data UserDataRecord>.Dictionary
DataVersion uint
Inventory List
PlayFabId string
ReadOnlyData UserDataRecord>.Dictionary
ReadOnlyDataVersion uint
VirtualCurrency int>.Dictionary
VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime>.Dictionary

Property Details

AccountInfo public_oe property

Account information for the user.
public UserAccountInfo,PlayFab.ClientModels AccountInfo
return UserAccountInfo

Data public_oe property

User specific custom data.
public Dictionary Data
return UserDataRecord>.Dictionary

DataVersion public_oe property

The version of the UserData that was returned.
public uint DataVersion
return uint

Inventory public_oe property

Array of inventory items in the user's current inventory.
public List Inventory
return List

PlayFabId public_oe property

Unique PlayFab identifier of the owner of the combined info.
public string PlayFabId
return string

ReadOnlyData public_oe property

User specific read-only data.
public Dictionary ReadOnlyData
return UserDataRecord>.Dictionary

ReadOnlyDataVersion public_oe property

The version of the Read-Only UserData that was returned.
public uint ReadOnlyDataVersion
return uint

VirtualCurrency public_oe property

Array of virtual currency balance(s) belonging to the user.
public Dictionary VirtualCurrency
return int>.Dictionary

VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes public_oe property

Array of remaining times and timestamps for virtual currencies.
public Dictionary VirtualCurrencyRechargeTimes
return VirtualCurrencyRechargeTime>.Dictionary