C# Class PlayFab.ClientModels.GetUserCombinedInfoRequest

Inheritance: PlayFabRequestCommon
Mostra file Open project: PlayFab/PlayFabGameServer Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Email string
GetAccountInfo bool?
GetInventory bool?
GetReadOnlyData bool?
GetUserData bool?
GetVirtualCurrency bool?
PlayFabId string
ReadOnlyDataKeys List
TitleDisplayName string
UserDataKeys List
Username string

Property Details

Email public_oe property

User email address for the account to find (if no Username is specified).
public string Email
return string

GetAccountInfo public_oe property

If set to false, account info will not be returned. Defaults to true.
public bool? GetAccountInfo
return bool?

GetInventory public_oe property

If set to false, inventory will not be returned. Defaults to true. Inventory will never be returned for users other than yourself.
public bool? GetInventory
return bool?

GetReadOnlyData public_oe property

If set to false, read-only user data will not be returned. Defaults to true.
public bool? GetReadOnlyData
return bool?

GetUserData public_oe property

If set to false, custom user data will not be returned. Defaults to true.
public bool? GetUserData
return bool?

GetVirtualCurrency public_oe property

If set to false, virtual currency balances will not be returned. Defaults to true. Currency balances will never be returned for users other than yourself.
public bool? GetVirtualCurrency
return bool?

PlayFabId public_oe property

Unique PlayFab identifier of the user whose info is being requested. Optional, defaults to the authenticated user if no other lookup identifier set.
public string PlayFabId
return string

ReadOnlyDataKeys public_oe property

User read-only custom data keys to return. If set to null, all keys will be returned. For users other than yourself, only public data will be returned.
public List ReadOnlyDataKeys
return List

TitleDisplayName public_oe property

Title-specific username for the account to find (if no Email is set).
public string TitleDisplayName
return string

UserDataKeys public_oe property

User custom data keys to return. If set to null, all keys will be returned. For users other than yourself, only public data will be returned.
public List UserDataKeys
return List

Username public_oe property

PlayFab Username for the account to find (if no PlayFabId is specified).
public string Username
return string