C# Class PdfSharp.Fonts.OpenType.HorizontalHeaderTable

This table contains information for horizontal layout. The values in the minRightSidebearing, minLeftSideBearing and xMaxExtent should be computed using only glyphs that have contours. Glyphs with no contours should be ignored for the purposes of these calculations. All reserved areas must be set to 0.
Inheritance: PdfSharp.Fonts.OpenType.OpenTypeFontTable
Mostra file Open project: DavidS/MigraDoc Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
advanceWidthMax System.UInt16
ascender System.Int16
caretSlopeRise short
caretSlopeRun short
descender System.Int16
lineGap System.Int16
metricDataFormat short
minLeftSideBearing System.Int16
minRightSideBearing System.Int16
numberOfHMetrics ushort
reserved1 short
reserved2 short
reserved3 short
reserved4 short
reserved5 short
version System.Int32
xMaxExtent System.Int16

Public Methods

Method Description
HorizontalHeaderTable ( FontData fontData ) : System
Read ( ) : void

Method Details

HorizontalHeaderTable() public method

public HorizontalHeaderTable ( FontData fontData ) : System
fontData FontData
return System

Read() public method

public Read ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

advanceWidthMax public_oe property

public UInt16,System advanceWidthMax
return System.UInt16

ascender public_oe property

public Int16,System ascender
return System.Int16

caretSlopeRise public_oe property

public short caretSlopeRise
return short

caretSlopeRun public_oe property

public short caretSlopeRun
return short

descender public_oe property

public Int16,System descender
return System.Int16

lineGap public_oe property

public Int16,System lineGap
return System.Int16

metricDataFormat public_oe property

public short metricDataFormat
return short

minLeftSideBearing public_oe property

public Int16,System minLeftSideBearing
return System.Int16

minRightSideBearing public_oe property

public Int16,System minRightSideBearing
return System.Int16

numberOfHMetrics public_oe property

public ushort numberOfHMetrics
return ushort

reserved1 public_oe property

public short reserved1
return short

reserved2 public_oe property

public short reserved2
return short

reserved3 public_oe property

public short reserved3
return short

reserved4 public_oe property

public short reserved4
return short

reserved5 public_oe property

public short reserved5
return short

version public_oe property

public Int32,System version
return System.Int32

xMaxExtent public_oe property

public Int16,System xMaxExtent
return System.Int16