C# Class Papyrus.Types.LogicalFont

Mostra file Open project: Wiladams/NewTOAPIA

Public Properties

Property Type Description
fCharSet byte
fClipPrecision byte
fEscapement int
fFaceName string
fHeight int
fItalic byte
fOrientation int
fOutPrecision byte
fPitchAndFamily byte
fQuality Font.Quality
fStrikeOut byte
fUnderline byte
fWeight Font.FontWeight
fWidth int

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateFont ( string typeface, int height ) : IntPtr

Create a font object given a typeface and size.

LogicalFont ( string typeface, int height ) : System

Method Details

CreateFont() public static method

Create a font object given a typeface and size.
public static CreateFont ( string typeface, int height ) : IntPtr
typeface string
height int
return System.IntPtr

LogicalFont() public method

public LogicalFont ( string typeface, int height ) : System
typeface string
height int
return System

Property Details

fCharSet public_oe property

public byte fCharSet
return byte

fClipPrecision public_oe property

public byte fClipPrecision
return byte

fEscapement public_oe property

public int fEscapement
return int

fFaceName public_oe property

public string fFaceName
return string

fHeight public_oe property

public int fHeight
return int

fItalic public_oe property

public byte fItalic
return byte

fOrientation public_oe property

public int fOrientation
return int

fOutPrecision public_oe property

public byte fOutPrecision
return byte

fPitchAndFamily public_oe property

public byte fPitchAndFamily
return byte

fQuality public_oe property

public Font.Quality fQuality
return Font.Quality

fStrikeOut public_oe property

public byte fStrikeOut
return byte

fUnderline public_oe property

public byte fUnderline
return byte

fWeight public_oe property

public Font.FontWeight fWeight
return Font.FontWeight

fWidth public_oe property

public int fWidth
return int